A Beginner’s Guide to WoW Basics: Questing, Combat, and Movement in World of Warcraft
In this guide we will cover the basics of character movement, questing and combat in World of Warcraft.
Moving your character is simple and straight forward in World of Warcraft. The default setup is to move with the ‘WASD’ keys on your keyboard. The ‘W’ key moves you forward.
Understanding the World of Warcraft Gear System: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
A walkthrough of gear stats, attributes, and quality for new World of Warcraft players One of the most confusing parts of World of Warcraft for new players is figuring out how the gear system works. It seems like every RPG has a slightly different take on gear systems and its own set of stats for your character. In this guide, I want to talk about how to equip gear, but more importantly, I want to show you how you can…
Items, Auctions, and Banks in World of Warcraft (WoW) – Beginner’s Guide
Part 6 of a guide for new, beginning, or returning players in World of Warcraft. Welcome to part 6 of this ultimate guide for new World of Warcraft players. In our last article, we looked at how gear works (you can check it out here if you missed it). This time around, we are going to discuss items in World of Warcraft. What are items in World of Warcraft? Simply put, an item is an object which your character takes…
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Professions in World of Warcraft (WoW) [Beginner’s Guide]
Part 7 of a guide for new, beginning, or returning players in World of Warcraft Shadowlands. In our last guide, we talked about how to obtain, sell and store items. While these are all valid uses for items, we haven’t talked yet about one of the main uses for items… professions. Hence, In this guide, we are going to talk about professions in World of Warcraft including what they are, how you learn one, and what they enable you to…
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Dungeons and Raids in World of Warcraft (WoW) [Beginner’s Guide]
Part 8 of a guide for new, beginning, or returning players in World of Warcraft. Welcome to part 8 of this ultimate guide for new World of Warcraft players. We have covered a lot of ground in the first 7 parts (setting up an account, creating a character, the user interface, questing, gear, items, professions). In this part, we are going to look at dungeons and raids in World of Warcraft. Dungeons and raids are the two main types of…
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What is a Rotation in World of Warcraft (WoW)? [Beginner’s Guide]
A complete introduction for players looking to improve their DPS, tanking, and healing in World of Warcraft. Understanding rotations is one of the fastest ways to improve as a World of Warcraft player. Unfortunately, the concept of a rotation and why it is important is not really taught in-game. This can be a problem for new players and players who don’t have someone to guide them through it. When you first start out, the game introduces you to the idea…
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Is World of Warcraft (WoW) Free to Play?
A quick guide to getting started with World of Warcraft for free! If you are considering trying World of Warcraft for the first time or returning to play after an extended break, it may feel overwhelming to look at the long list of expansions and content. Additionally, it can feel like a big commitment to a game you’re not sure if you’ll even like. Luckily, in this guide, I’ll break things down for you and talk about how you can…
World of Warcraft (WoW) AddOns for Beginners
Learn what World of Warcraft addons are, why they are helpful, and which ones are the best for beginners. Welcome to the 10th and final part of this ultimate guide for new World of Warcraft players. In this article, we are going to build off the basic UI and talk about how beginners can get started with World of Warcraft addons. Before we get too far, let’s first talk about what a WoW addon is. An addon (or mod) is…
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A Beginner’s Guide to World of Warcraft (WoW): Getting Started, Realms, and Costs
Learn the essentials of starting your WoW journey, choosing the right realm, and understanding the costs involved. Perhaps you have considered picking up World of Warcraft (WoW) for a while now but don’t know where to start or feel overwhelmed. Don’t worry; I will walk you through everything you need to know as a new/beginner WoW player in this multi-part guide. In this article, we will look at the cost to begin playing, how you can set up an account,…
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How to Create Your WoW Character [Beginner’s Guide]
In this guide, we will help you get started on creating your character in World of Warcraft.
Assuming that you have decided on a home for a realm for your new character, it is time to choose a faction. A faction is a group which has a shared history, viewpoints or objectives. While there are many factions that you will encounter in your journeys, there are only two playable options available to players: Horde or Alliance.
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Mastering the World of Warcraft User Interface: A Comprehensive Guide for New Players
One of the most confusing parts about starting to play World of Warcraft is the user interface (UI for short). What is a user interface? Simply put, the UI is the collection of buttons, bars and images on your screen. It is important to understand the layout of the UI because it is the way you will interact with your character, friends and everything in World of Warcraft.
How to Take Screenshots in World of Warcraft (WoW)
A quick guide to taking and finding the folder location of World of Warcraft screenshots When you take a screenshot it goes directly to your clipboard. But did you know that World of Warcraft also saves your screenshots for later use? That’s right, you can capture in-game pictures to your heart’s content and then go back and review them later (like screenshots taking on a console). In this article, I’ll walk you through the process of finding your WoW screenshot…
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Customizing Your World of Warcraft User Interface (UI): Quick Guide and Best Addons
A quick guide to customizing your user interface (UI) in World of Warcraft! One of the quickest ways to improve your gameplay in World of Warcraft is by customizing your user interface (UI). As silly as it may sound, the location of various windows in your UI has a major impact on how well you play. If you look at the default UI, you’ll notice that there is a lot of space between items on the screen which can make…
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Beginners Guide to PvP in World of Warcraft (WoW)
Part 9 of a guide for new, beginning, or returning players in World of Warcraft. Welcome to part 9 of this ultimate guide for new World of Warcraft players. Part 8 looked at player vs. environment (PvE) modes — specifically dungeons and raids. This time around, we are going to look at PvP in World of Warcraft. What is PvP in World of Warcaft? PvP is an abbreviation for “player vs. player” and refers to battles between players. You may…
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How much does it cost to play World of Warcraft (WoW) in 2024?
An overview of how much it costs to start playing World of Warcraft Classic or The War Within in 2024. Since its release in 2004, World of Warcraft (WoW) has released 10 expansions! Fortunately, as a new or returning player, you don’t need to buy each of these updates and games individually. So, what expansions do you need to buy? How much does it cost to start playing WoW? In short, you can begin playing WoW Classic and all content…
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