A quick and complete guide to unlocking the Earthen allied race.

I just unlocked the Earthen allied race in The War Within and figured I would create a quick guide showing what worked for me. Overall, the process is straightforward, and you don’t have to go too far out of your way or grind reputation (renown) to do it. So, how do you unlock the Earthen?
In short, you can unlock the Earthen allied race by completing a series of quest chains, including:
- Mourning Rise
- Broken Tools
- Merrix and Steelvein
- Complete all five parts of the War Within campaign (requires level 80)
In the rest of this article, I’ll show you where you start each chain and talk about any prerequisites you need to have. I’ll do my best to keep things spoiler-free, but I will list all the included quests (hidden under a clickable accordion), which might give away a few things.
Completing Mourning Rise Quests
Mourning Rise is one of the first quest chains you’ll encounter on your journey to unlock the Earthen allied race. The only requirement is level 70, so you can start working on this while you level up.
To start, pick up the quest called Before I Depart from Korgran (/way 47.4, 43) at Mourning Rise, which can be found east of Dornogal (on the Isle of Dorn).

As a side note, there is an optional quest called To Mourning Rise that you can pick up at the Fallside Outpost (southeast of Dornogal, /way 55.6, 56). This quest is just meant to point you in the right direction, but you should be able to save a few seconds and skip it.
Warning: Being as spoiler-free as possible, this quest makes references to memory loss, aging, and dementia. It is a highly emotional storyline, especially if you have a loved one with similar experiences. Just as a fair warning before you start.
You’ll need to complete 16 quests to earn the Mourning Rise sub-achievement, including:
Mourning Rise Quests (click to view)
- To Mourning Rise (optional)
- Before I Depart
- Honor Their Memories
- You No Take Plunder!
- Laws Apply to All
- The Great Collapse
- Cutting the Wick
- Who Runs this Fine Establishment?
- One More Tradition
- The Forging of Memories
- The Last Journey
- The Lost Earthen
- A Change of Tradition
- Tools of Declaration
- Cleansing Ashes
- As He Departs
- The Weight of Duty
Broken Tools Quests
The next unlock requirement I would tackle is the Broken Tools quest line. This requires level 73, and you’ll have to progress in the story enough to access The Ringing Deeps. Once you meet those requirements, you can pick up the quest Discarded and Broken from Machinist Kittrin in Gundargaz (/way 48.24 33.38).

This chain is extremely short, so knocking it out quickly during leveling makes sense. It took me about 5 minutes because it only consisted of three quests, including:
Broken Tools Quests
Merrix and Steelvein Quests
This next quest chain, Merrix and Steelvein, is one that you can start at level 70, but you won’t be able to finish until you progress in the Ringing Deeps storyline. Because of that, I suggest you wait to start this one until you earn The Ringing Deeps achievement, which requires finishing the main chapters in the Ringing Deeps.
By that point, you’ll probably be around level 73 or 74, and you can head back to Dornogal to knock out all these quests.

You can start the Merrix and Steelvein questline by picking up How Scandalous! From Aldra in Dornogal. They are located in the city’s northeast area (/way 62.6, 21.8) near the Stoneshapers Atrium.
In total, there are 16 quests in the chain, including:
Merrix and Steelvein Quests
- How Scandalous!
- Seizing Evidence
- Withheld Information
- Something Hidden
- Report to the Councilward
- The Councilward’s Summons
- Dornogal’s Benefactor
- Security Through Trade
- The Market Reeve of the Forgegrounds
- Opals and Runes
- The Machine Speakeasy
- Sedition
- Damage Mitigation
- Dispelling Rumors
- Forcing My Hand
- Bad Business
Complete the max-level War Within campaign
After reaching level 80 and renown 4 with each of the major War Within factions, you can begin the last step in the unlock process. The first quest in the campaign is a breadcrumb quest called Surface Bound. You can pick it up from Alleria in the Weaver’s Lair (Azj-Kahet).
There are five chapters you’ll need to complete. If you aren’t sure where you are in the chain, you can view your progress at the top of your quest log window (default hotkey ‘L’).
After beginning the campaign, you’ll always find the start of the next chapter near the coreway in Dornogal.

If you are curious, you can view all of the chapters and quests in the dropdowns below:
Chapter 2: Ties that Bind
Chapter 4: The Machines March to War
Chapter 5: A Light in the Dark
Congratulations on Unlocking the Earthen!
Once you finish the campaign and those side-quests, you will receive an achievement called Allied Races: Earthen. This will let you log out and immediately create a new earthen character!

If you run into issues, check out the frequently asked questions below and feel free to leave a comment if you are still struggling (e-mail is an optional field to catch bots). Good luck unlocking those allied races!
Frequently Asked Questions
The longest part of the unlock will be getting your first character to level 80 and renown for the four major factions to level 4 to start The War Within campaign quests. If you are leveling and reading quests and taking your time, it could easily take 10 – 15 hours to get to that point. Luckily, you can complete most of the quest chains while leveling!
Once you reach level 80, I plan on taking an hour and a half to three hours to finish the campaign.
Once you unlock Earthen, you can play as one of 9 different classes in World of Warcraft, including:
The only classes you cannot play as Earthen are death knight, demon hunter, druid, and evoker.
Earthen have 2 active racial abilities, including Azerite Surge and Quiet Contemplation.
Azerite Surge is a 2-minute cooldown that can damage enemies or heal allies, depending on how long you hold the ability down.
Quiet Contemplation is an ability that restores your health and mana. Since earthen are made of stone, they don’t consume food like other races. Hence the need for an ability that does something similar.
Additionally, earthen have 4 passive racial skills, including:
Hyper Productive: Increases finesse by 2%
Ingest Minerals: Earthen can eat gems to gain the Well Fed buff
Titan-Wrought Frame: Armor from items increased by 10%
Wide-Eyed Wonder: Experience for exploring new locations increased by 200%
You need to reach level 50 to unlock the Earthen heritage armor. This can be done by starting a new character or using a level boost or race change!
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