An up-to-date guide for unlocking the Lightforged Draenei allied race in WoW: The War Within

Unlocking allied races from past expansions can be a pain — especially if you are new to WoW. Fortunately, the process has been simplified in recent years. In this article, I’ll give you the most up-to-date information so you can unlock the Lightforged Draenei allied race fast!
You can unlock the Lightforged Draenei in the War Within by completing these two steps:
- Reach level 40 on at least one alliance character
- Complete the three recruitment quests starting at the Stormwind Embassy
Let’s look at these requirements and the quests you need to complete closer now.
Step 1: Reach level 40 on an alliance character

The first requirement to unlock Lightforged Draenei is to reach level 40 on an alliance character.
You cannot use a Horde character for the unlock process! The Horde allied races also have level requirements, so you’ll need one high-level character in each faction if you want to unlock every allied race.
If you are working on unlocking other allied races, here is my quick allied race unlock overview and links to detailed guides for every race.
Alliance | Horde |
Dark Iron Dwarf | Highmountain Tauren |
Kul Tiran Human | Mag’har Orc |
Lightforged Draenei | Nightborne |
Mechagnome | Zandalari Troll |
Void Elf | Vulpera |
Step 2: Do the three Lightforged Draenei recruitment quests
After reaching level 40, a quest called The Lightforged will become available in the Stormwind Embassy. If you’ve never been to the embassy, you can find it on the north border of Stormwind near the Dwarven District (see map below).

After completing The Lightforged, you will receive a quest called the Forge of Aeons, which requires you to complete a scenario. During the scenario, be careful not to pull too many mobs and let the guy you are escorting take the hits (especially if you are only level 40). If you die, you will respawn at the start and have to run back, so do your best to stay alive and let T’Paartos do the work.
Once you finish the scenario, you will receive For the Light!, which can be turned in at the Stormwind Embassy to unlock the Lightforged Draenei allied race! Super easy and fast!
I’ve included a few common questions below, but if you have any issues or have other questions, feel free to comment below!
Frequently Asked Questions
It will probably take about 4 to 6 hours to unlock the Lightforged Draenei if you need to level an alliance character. If you already have the character leveled, you should be able to complete the recruitment quests in less than half an hour!
Lightforged Draenei can play as one of 9 different classes in World of Warcraft, including:
Death Knight
They cannot play as demon hunters, druids, or shamans.
Lightforged Draenei have two active racial abilities. The first one is called Light’s Judgment and allows you to summon a pillar of holy energy to damage enemies in a small radius. Their second ability allows you to summon a forge that can be used for blacksmithing, which is called the Forge of Light.
In addition to their two active racials, they have three passive racial skills, including:
Demonbane: Grants 20% more experience when killing demons
Light’s Reckoning: When you die, you deal damage to enemies and heal allies within 8 yards
Holy Resistance: Takes 1% less holy damage
You can now play Monks as Lightforged Draenei as of patch 10.0.7
This has been an incredibly frustrating set of quests to get started, thank you so much for the guide!
Thanks for the reminder! I’ll make sure to get all the possible classes updated soon 🙂
Thanks for the comment Miri! I appreciate you sharing the details on Uniting the Isles. I added that detail to the guides for other Legion races like Nightborne but need to add it here as well.
Best of luck on wrapping up LF Draenei and picking up HM Tauren and Nightborne!
I have completed all the step-by-step quest that you have outlined, right to Forge of Aeons. I show the Assault Begins under Are You Now Prepared as being completed. I am still not able to unlock Lightforged Draener and Void Elf. What am I missing? I am not finding anymore quest to do, not even recruitment of them in Stormwind at the Embassy. Help is needed if you can.
Hey Robert, I hate when it feels like you hit a dead end on the quest chain. Without knowing each piece that you have completed it is tricky to say what you should do next exactly. I would recommend that you download the BtwQuests and BtwQuests: Legion addon. It is a great addon that lists all questlines for each expansion and allows you to hover over boxes to see what the requirements are. From there, you should be able to see what you need to do to start the next quest you need!