Note: This guide covers content from the Shadowlands expansion, and may be out of date for the current version of the game.

There are so many different currencies and items in World of Warcraft that it can be hard to keep them all straight. Every patch introduces even more currencies which makes things even harder. In this quick guide, I want to highlight one of the most recent currency additions — the Attendant’s Token of Merit.
What is Attendant’s Token of Merit?
The Attendant’s Token of Merit is a currency awarded through the weekly great vault instead of gear. If you have qualified for loot in the great vault, you can choose to collect up to 6 Attendant’s Token of Merit instead of gear. The number of tokens you receive is based on how many segments of the great vault you unlocked.
Here is a breakdown of how many tokens you’ll get for completing great vault objectives:
Segments | Tokens |
1 | 2 |
2 | 4 |
3+ | 6 |
In other words, you can receive a maximum of 6 tokens each week. As an important note, you are also limited to having 12 Attendant’s Token of Merit at a time.
Where do you use/spend tokens?
You can spend your Attendant’s Token of Merit at the Exchange Specialist vendor, Ko’tul, in Oribos. He is a broker that is standing near the great vault, just south of the guild bank. His exact location is /way 63.8, 36.0.
What can you buy with tokens?
You can use tokens to purchase a socket on your gear, gold, reputation, and other currencies. Here is a list of all the resources you can buy and their token exchange rates:
Resource | Item | Token(s) |
500 Stygia | Stygic Singularity | 1 |
250 Soul Ash | Soul Ash Cache | 1 |
500 Catalogued Research (no rep) | Bundle of Archived Research | 1 |
25 Genesis Motes | Bottled Night Sky | 1 |
40 Cyphers of the First Ones | Treatise on Patterns in the Purpose | 1 |
150 rep with Enlightened | Tribute to the Enlightened | 1 |
1 Renown with current covenant | Certified Vouchsafe | 1 |
500 Cosmic Flux | Cosmic Flux Parcel | 1 |
~3,000 Gold | Overflowing Chest of Riches | 3 |
1 Socket for Season 3 gear 6 | Ephemera-Infused Mesh | 6 |
As an important note, most of the supplies are bind on pick up and are not account bound. The only one you can trade to other characters or players is the Certified Vouchsafe.

Final Thoughts
The attendant’s tokens are an excellent alternative to taking a piece of gear that you don’t want from the great vault. Instead of disenchanting unusable gear, you can collect up to 6 tokens as a reward each week to use for other resources.
If you want to learn about other currencies in Shadowlands check out my guide to every Shadowlands currency!
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