A brief overview of each one and how they handle important mobs and interrupts in World of Warcraft

I tested the 5 most popular Plater profiles in mythic+ to see how each one handled important mobs and interrupts. To select the most popular ones, I went to the Plater profiles page on Wago.io and sorted the results by the number of stars. Hopefully, my testing can save you the trouble of having to download each one yourself.
Alright, let’s jump in and look at each profile and some of their features.
5. SweetPlates [9.0.5] – Avade Remix (https://wago.io/4J866e8CW)

The first profile on the list is called SweetPlates. This nifty profile improves on the default plater settings by adding percent health and colors for important enemies. The default plates are colored red, while dangerous mobs are typically blue, purple, or pink.
SweetPlates is also great for mythic plus because it adds animation to cast bars for spells that need to be interrupted or avoided. Similarly, it also adds animation to the explosive mob nameplates that make it easier to spot those bad boys.
4. Aenea Plater Profile Shadowlands 9.1 (https://wago.io/TgqTbkIKa)

The fourth most popular profile is the one created by Aenea. This one shows the mob name and health inside the nameplate. It also shows CC to the right and buffs and debuffs in the default position above the plate.
When it comes to important dungeon mobs, Aenea uses a standard coloring system as a guide. Mobs that need to be interrupted are shown in light blue. Enemies that need to be CC’d or have a lot of HP are shown in dark blue. High priority mobs are colored pink, while unique mobs are shown in purple.

Explosives show up with a yellow health bar which is nice because it helps them stand out.
If you like this coloring breakout, you can actually download the color settings and use them in any other Plater profile. To do this, you need to click on the link under Plater NPC colors on the wago page. From there, open the NPC colors tab in the plater options and then import the Pastebin string.
The Aenea profile doesn’t change cast bars for abilities that need interrupting, so you have to rely on the nameplate colors alone.
3. Plater Profile for M+ Users 9.1 (https://wago.io/H9o_0mYN8)

Next on the list is the M+ Users 9.1 profile.
The default settings of this profile are in Korean. If you want to use this profile in English, you need to change the number format dropdown to Western under the Advanced tab in Plater’s settings.

The bars are green by default, but important mobs are typically shown in purple or light blue. Minor enemies will also have their plates colored grey, making it really easy to spot the important mob. Explosives were also easy to see since they appear in yellow and glow.
For interrupts, the 9.1 profile highlights the cast bar and shakes it to warn you that something dangerous is coming.
There are other cool features in this profile, like showing the enemy forces percent awarded for each mob under the nameplate (if you have the MDT addon installed).
2. [Better Pixel Perfect] M+ Mods/Scripts (https://wago.io/1ZozQnKxj)

The second most popular profile is called Better Pixel Perfect. It shows the mob’s health in the bar and debuffs and buffs above the frame. It also has the space to the right of the plate to show CCs and stuns.
Most of the plates share the same color — red out of combat which turns blue when engaged. In a few cases, important mobs are highlighted in pink. Explosives use the standard coloring scheme, which can make them a little more challenging to spot.
The cast bar will flash, shake and turn yellow for dangerous spells to warn you that something bad is brewing.
1. Pixel Perfect with M+ Npc Color and Scripts (https://wago.io/g-jp-v2zw)

The final profile on the list, and the one with the most stars on Wago, is the Pixel Perfect M+ profile.
One of the first things you will notice is this profile hasn’t been updated since the last patch in BFA. This means that the NPC colors have not been updated for Shadowlands. If you like the look of the plates and the other features, you can use the colors from another profile like the Aenea plates.
If you don’t use custom colors, you will get something similar to the last profile where enemies are red out of combat and blue while fighting.
Fortunately, despite not receiving an update since BFA, the profile contains several updated scripts and mods, so important abilities will still flash and make the cast bar shake.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this brief guide and the images of each profile were helpful. I tested all 5 of these Plater profiles, and I liked the M+ Users 9.1 profile the best. This is because it did a good job highlighting dangerous spells and had a well-thought-out color scheme for enemies. Spotting important mobs and explosives felt a lot easier than with any of the other profiles.
As a warning, my cast bar disappeared when I enabled the M+ Users 9.1 profile, so I had to install the Quartz addon to fix it.
If you want to see each of the profiles in action, you can also check out the YouTube video I made for this article. If you don’t know how to import these profiles, check out my Plater guide.
Thanks for reading!
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