A comprehensive overview of what tier sets are, how to earn them, and their bonuses.

You may have heard a lot of buzz about tier sets in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Unfortunately, if you are a new player or returning after a long time, it may be unclear what that means or how you go about taking advantage of it. In this guide, I want to give you all the information you need to start collecting a tier set to make your character stronger.
We’ll talk about how to get tier items in a moment and what powers they offer for your class, but let’s start by talking about what they are…
What are tier sets?
Tier sets are class-specific armor that make your character’s abilities stronger. When you equip two pieces of armor from the set, you will get a 2-set bonus that makes you stronger. Equipping four pieces gives you another boost in character power on top of the 2-set bonus.
The bonus you receive for your abilities depends on what specialization (spec) you are playing.
For example, if you are playing a Fury Warrior, earning a 2-set bonus will increase the crit chance of your Execute ability. After equipping four pieces, the chance of getting a Sudden Death proc, which allows you to use Execute on any target regardless of health, is increased as well.
That means that you would get extra executes, and it would be more likely for those executes to do more damage. In other words, having your tier set makes a huge difference!
Here is what the tooltip looks like for the Husk of the Walking Mountain — the warrior tier set chest.

As you can see from the image above, your tier gear bonuses will update when you change specs. You don’t have to worry about farming up several sets if you frequently play more than one spec.
What tier set item slots are there?
Not every item slot is eligible for the tier bonus. In Dragonflight, 5 slots can count toward your set bonus, including:
- Chest
- Hands
- Helm
- Legs
- Shoulder
How do I get tier sets?
There are three ways to get tier sets in Dragonflight. You can get them from tokens dropped by bosses in the Vault of the Incarnates (VI) raid, your Great Vault, or the Revival Catalyst.
Let’s take a look at each of these closer…
Tier Set Tokens from Raid
The first way to get tier gear is from tokens dropped by bosses in the Vault of the Incarnates raid. After receiving a token, you can click on it to create a piece of equipment specific to your class. Like all other gear in the raid, the difficulty will determine the item level and tier pieces drop in all difficulties (LFR, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic).
Here are the item slots you can get tokens for and the bosses that drop them in the raid:
Slot | Boss |
Chest | Kurog Grimtotem |
Hands | Dathea, Ascended |
Helm | Razageth, the Storm-Eater |
Legs | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
Shoulder | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Token Types
To make things even trickier, tokens are divided into 4 types — Mystic, Venerated, Zenith, and Dreadful. The type of token dropped will determine which classes can use it.
- Mystic Tokens – Druids, Hunters, and Mages.
- Venerated Tokens – Paladins, Priests, and Shamans.
- Zenith Tokens – Evoker, Monks, Rogues, and Warriors.
- Dreadful Tokens – Death Knights, Demon Hunters, and Warlocks.
Token Drop Chance
As far as drop chances go, each boss will drop about two tokens per kill on average.
Tier Sets from the Great Vault
In addition to collecting tier from the raid, you can also earn tier pieces through your Great Vault. This is great because you don’t need to raid to get tier gear!
If you only do PvP or Mythic+, and you unlock one or more vault slots, you will have a chance to receive a tier piece at the item level you earned. As an important side note, if you aren’t happy with the item level of your tier reward in the vault, you can use valor or conquest to upgrade it in the future!
Revival Catalyst – Tier Set Crafting in Patch 10.0.5

The last way to earn a tier set is by crafting it yourself using the Revival Catalyst in Thaldraszus. This is an excellent option for players who don’t do PvE or PvP (or those who do but have bad luck).
But how does it work?
How to Unlock the Revival Catalyst
To unlock the Revival Catalyst, you’ll need to pick up the quest Reviving the Machine from Watcher Koranos at the Seat of the Aspects in Valdrakken. This quest will lead you to a little room to the north of Tyrhold in Thaldraszus, where you’ll be greeted by Antuka.
Antuka will give you a quest called Revival Catalyst that requires you to fill a bar by completing group content throughout the Dragon Isles. Once you finish that quest, you will get one Renascent Lifeblood which you can use to convert a piece of gear to a tier piece.
Quest progress is account-wide and can only be completed once per week. Fortunately, each charge you earn grants one charge to all your characters (including future alts). In other words, if I play on three characters and I earn one charge, I can make a tier piece for all three characters that week!
Charges will cap out at six stacks, but that is plenty to get a shiny 4-set on a new alt down the road!
How to use the Revival Catalyst
Once you have the charges you need, you can use the Revival Catalyst by clicking “Transform” after placing a piece of gear in the console in the middle of the room.

Where to get gear to transform in the Revival Catalyst
Unfortunately, not every piece of equipment is eligible to be converted to tier in the catalyst. Only gear earned during the current Dragonflight season can be transformed.
More specifically, the following sources of gear can be converted into tier pieces:
- Vault of the Incarnates non-tier raid
- Mythic and Mythic+ dungeon items
- Conquest PVP gear
- Bloody Tokens/World PVP gear
- Primal Storms gear
Unfortunately, crafted gear, quest rewards, and renown gear are not eligible to be transformed.
What tier set bonuses does my class/spec get?
Each class and spec combination has its own bonus provided by tier gear. The first bonus will kick in when you have two pieces of the tier set. Equipping four items from the set will provide your second bonus.
To help you figure out what your tier bonuses are, I’ve put a list for every spec in collapsible menus below:
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Dreadful Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Blood DK
When a Bone Shield charge is consumed, you have a 20% chance to generate one rune.
4-Set: Blood DK
After 10 Bone Shield charges are consumed, gain 10% damage and Haste for 10 seconds.
2-Set: Frost DK
Obliterate and Frostscythe critical strike damage is increased by 15%.
4-Set: Frost DK
Obliterate and Frostscythe have a 15% chance not to consume Killing Machine.
2-Set: Unholy DK
Bursting a festering wound grants your ghoul Vile Infusion, increasing their damage and Haste by 10% for 5 seconds.
4-Set: Unholy DK
Your primary ghoul’s attacks have a 15% chance to increase your damage and Haste by 10% for 8 seconds. This chance is increased during Vile Infusion.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Dreadful Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Havoc DH
Chaos Strike and Blade Dance chance to critically strike is increased by 5% and their critical strike damage is increased by 10%.
4-Set: Havoc DH
Chaos Strike and Blade Dance have a 20% chance to increase damage you deal by 8% for 6 seconds. Your critical strikes increase this chance.
2-Set: Vengeance DH
Shear / Fracture deals 20% more damage, generates 20% more Fury, and have a 15% chance to generate an additional Soul Fragment.
4-Set: Vengeance DH
Spirit Bomb and Soul Cleave have a 12% chance to deal 50% more damage and cause targets they hit to deal 15% less damage to you for 8 seconds.
Obtained from Vault of Incarnates raid (Mystic Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Balance Druid
Starsurge and Starfall increase the damage of your next Wrath or Starfire by 20%, stacking up to 3 times.
4-Set: Balance Druid
When you enter Eclipse, your next Starsurge or Starfall costs no Astral Power and deals 35% increased damage.
2-Set: Feral Druid
Rip & Ferocious Bite damage increased by 6%.
4-Set: Feral Druid
For each combo point spent, finishing moves increase your Rip, Rake, and Thrash damage by 2% and increase the chance for Shred, Rake, Swipe / Brutal Slash, and Thrash to Critically Strike by 2% for 4 seconds.
2-Set: Guardian Druid
Using Mangle with Gore also deals 30% of damage dealt to nearby enemies, damage reduced beyond 5 targets. It also increases your damage done and reduces damage you take by 5% for 6 seconds.
4-Set: Guardian Druid
Gore has a 5% increased chance to trigger. Using Mangle with Gore heals you for [(135% of Attack power) * (1 + Versatility)] health over 6 seconds.
2-Set: Resto Druid
Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Efflorescence, and Tranquility chance to critically heal is increased by 8%.
4-Set: Resto Druid
Efflorescence critical heals increase the healing of your next Wild Growth by 5%, stacking up to 5 times. Lifebloom critical heals reduce the cooldown of Nature’s Swiftness by 2 seconds.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Zenith Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Devastation Evoker
Increases Empower spells’ chance to critically strike by 5% and Empower spells increase your chance to critically strike by 5% for 6 seconds.
4-Set: Devastation Evoker
Empower spells have a 25% chance to grant you 6 seconds of Fury of the Aspects without causing Sated.
2-Set: Preservation Evoker
Empower spells increase Reversion’s chance to critically heal by 5% for 6 seconds.
4-Set: Preservation Evoker
Reversion healing has a chance to cause your next Living Flame to cast instantly and deal 20% increased damage or healing. Stacks up to 2 times.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Mystic Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: BM Hunter
Kill Command damage increased by 10% and it has a 10% chance to reset the cooldown on Barbed Shot.
4-Set: BM Hunter
Barbed Shot damage increased by 5% and Barbed Shot increases damage of your next Kill Command by 20%.
2-Set: MM Hunter
Arcane Shot & Multi Shot critical hits cause your next Aimed Shot to cause targets hit to bleed for 40% of damage dealt over 6 seconds.
4-Set: MM Hunter
Ranged auto-attacks have a 15% chance to give your next Arcane Shot or Multi Shot 100% chance to critically hit.
2-Set: Survival Hunter
Raptor Strike / Mongoose Strike, Carve, and Butchery damage increased by 15%.
4-Set: Survival Hunter
Raptor Strike / Mongoose Bite, Carve, and Butchery have a 20% chance to make your next Raptor Strike / Mongoose Bite, Carve, or Butchery cost no Focus and deal 50% increased damage.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Mystic Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Arcane Mage
For each Arcane Charge, Arcane Blast critical strike chance is increased by 5% and Arcane Explosion critical strike chance is increased by 3%.
4-Set: Arcane Mage
When Arcane Blast or Arcane Explosion critically strikes at least one target, the critical strike chance of your next Arcane Barrage is increased by 10%, up to 4 stacks.
2-Set: Fire Mage
Pyroblasts and Flamestrikes cast with Hot Streak deal 10% increased damage.
4-Set: Fire Mage
Fire Blast, Phoenix Flames, and Fireball deal 10% increased damage and their chance to critically strike is increased by 10%.
2-Set: Frost Mage
Ice Lance and Frozen Orb damage increased by 10%.
4-Set: Frost Mage
Consuming Fingers of Frost increases Blizzard damage by 25% and Frostbolt damage by 50% for 6 seconds.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Zenith Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Brewmaster Monk
Hitting an enemy with Tiger Palm or Spinning Crane Kick grants Brewmaster’s Rhythm, increasing damage dealt and reducing damage taken by 1% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 4 times.
4-Set: Brewmaster Monk
For each stack of Brewmaster’s Rhythm, Purifying Brew clears 3% more of your damage delayed with stagger.
2-Set: Mistweaver Monk
Healing from your Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, and Vivify is increased by 15% on targets with your Renewing Mist.
4-Set: Mistweaver Monk
Essence Font and Vivify healing are increased by 10% and your Renewing Mists on targets healed by Essence Font are extended by 1 seconds for each heal.
2-Set: WW Monk
Fists of Fury increases the damage dealt by your next 2 Rising Sun Kicks or Spinning Crane Kicks by 30%.
4-Set: WW Monk
Fists of Fury now instead enhances your next 3 Rising Sun Kicks or Spinning Crane Kicks and enhanced kicks increase damage your next Fists of Fury deals by 5%, stacking up to 3 times.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Venerated Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Holy Paladin
Holy Shock increases the critical strike chance of your spells by 4% for 10 seconds.
4-Set: Holy Paladin
Holy Light, Flash of Light, Light of Dawn, and Bestow Faith healing is increased by 6% and their critical effects increase the damage or healing of your next Holy Shock by 20%.
2-Set: Prot Paladin
Avenger’s Shield grants you Versatility of Light, increasing the Versatility of you and your closest ally by 6% for 8 seconds.
4-Set: Prot Paladin
Casting Hammer of the Righteous / Blessed Hammer increases your Parry by 5% for 10 seconds and extends the duration of Versatility of Light by 1.0 seconds.
2-Set: Ret Paladin
Judgment, Blade of Justice, and Wake of Ashes damage increased by 15%.
4-Set: Ret Paladin
Templar’s Verdict / Final Verdict and Divine Storm damage increased by 10%.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Venerated Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Disc Priest
Casting Power Word: Shield increases the effectiveness of your next direct damage or healing spell by 10%.
4-Set: Disc Priest
Penance increases the strength of your next Power Word: Shield by 60% of its damage or 18% of its healing.
2-Set: Holy Priest
Casting Prayer of Mending reduces the cast time of your next Heal or Prayer of Healing by 1.0 seconds and increases their Holy Word cooldown reduction effect by 2.0 seconds.
4-Set: Holy Priest
When Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify finish their cooldown, you gain 10% critical strike chance for 6 seconds.
2-Set: Shadow Priest
Mind Blast increases the damage of your next Devouring Plague or Mind Sear by 12%, stacking up to 3 times.
4-Set: Shadow Priest
Devouring Plague and Mind Sear increase your haste by 4% for 8 seconds.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (ZenithToken), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Assassination Rogue
Envenom also increases your weapon poisons’ damage by 10%.
4-Set: Assassination Rogue
When your weapon poisons deal direct damage, you have a 50% chance to gain Septic Wounds, increasing your Bleed damage by 2% for 8 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
2-Set: Outlaw Rogue
Dispatch increases the damage of your next Sinister Strike or Ambush by 20% per combo point spent.
4-Set: Outlaw Rogue
Half-cost uses of Pistol Shot granted by Sinister Strike increase the damage of your next Dispatch by 50%.
2-Set: Sub Rogue
Eviscerate and Black Powder increase the damage and critical strike chance of your next Backstab, Shadowstrike, or Shuriken Storm by 2% per combo point spent.
4-Set: Subtlety Rogue
Backstab, Shadowstrike, and Shuriken Storm critical strikes increase the damage of Eviscerate and Rupture by 15% and the damage of Black Powder by 8% for 6 seconds.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Venerated Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Ele Shaman
Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst increase the damage of your next Earth Shock or Earthquake by 5%, stacking 5 times.
4-Set: Ele Shaman
Casting Earth Shock or Earthquake increases your Mastery by 8% for 5 seconds.
2-Set: Enh Shaman
Stormstrike increases the damage of your next Fire, Frost, or Nature ability by 10% and causes it to generate 1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
4-Set: Enh Shaman
Consuming Maelstrom Weapon stacks increases your Haste by 1% for each stack consumed for 4 seconds.
2-Set: Resto Shaman
While Healing Stream Totem/Cloudburst Totem is active, your chance to critically strike is increased by 10%.
4-Set: Resto Shaman
Your critical heals have 215% effectiveness instead of the usual 200%.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (Dreadful Token), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Affliction Warlock
When Agony grants you a Soul Shard, you have a chance to gain Cruel Inspiration, increasing your haste by 12% for 6 seconds.
4-Set: Affliction Warlock
Cruel Inspiration also grants 2 charges of Cruel Epiphany, up to 5 charges. Each charge of Cruel Epiphany increases the damage of your next Malefic Rapture or Seed of Corruption by 40%.
2-Set: Demonology Warlock
Demon Bolt and Felstorm damage increased by 20%.
4-Set: Demonology Warlock
Demon Bolt has a chance to make your next Hand of Gul’dan instant and deal 150% increased damage.
2-Set: Destro Warlock
Consuming Soul Shards has a chance to grant you Chaos Maelstrom, increasing your critical strike chance by 10% for 10 seconds.
4-Set: Destro Warlock
Your critical strikes deal 208% damage instead of the usual 200%.
Obtained from Vault of the Incarnates raid (ZenithToken), Great Vault, or Revival Catalyst
2-Set: Arms Warrior
Mortal Strike and Cleave damage and chance to critically strike increased by 10%.
4-Set: Arms Warrior
Mortal Strike, Cleave, & Execute critical strikes increase your damage and critical strike chance by 5% for 6 seconds.
2-Set: Fury Warrior
Execute’s chance to critically strike increased by 10%.
4-Set: Fury Warrior
Sudden Death’s chance to reset the cooldown of Execute and make it usable on any target, regardless of health, is greatly increased.
2-Set: Prot Warrior
Revenge grants you Vanguard’s Determination, increasing your damage done and reducing damage you take by 4% for 5 seconds.
4-Set: Prot Warrior
During Vanguard’s Determination, gain Ignore Pain equal to 5% of damage you deal.
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