The beginning of a new expansion is always an exciting time for players. With it, comes new content including new dungeons to learn. As a newer player or a player who wants to jump into dungeons without doing extensive research first, there is a super helpful addon you can use — Questionably Epic (QE) Dungeon Tips.
QE Dungeon Tips has been updated for World of Warcraft Shadowlands and is super easy to use.
Let’s take at what it does and how you can set it up.
Overview: What does QE Dungeon Tips do?
Simply put, QE Dungeon Tips adds a window with helpful tips for each mob and boss in Shadowlands dungeons. Upon targeting a mob or boss, a list will appear and tell you what dangerous abilities the mob has, what should be interrupted, and how to handle certain mechanics. These tips will change depending on your role as well which is really cool. If you are a healer, you will see healer-specific tips. Prefer to tank or DPS? You will then see those tips. And the same for tanks and DPS.

In the image above, you can see an example of the tips. It may be a little difficult to read if you are on a smaller device. Here are the tips which are given for a healer on Ingra Maloch in Mists of Tirna Scithe:
- Focus Droman first to 20%. Feel free to cleave Ingra, especially if it’s a single target DPS increase.
- When Droman is low, she’ll stun Ingra and increase his dmg taken by 200% for 12s. Pop DPS cooldowns and burst.
- DODGE: The blue frontal beam & purple swirls. Avoid the black puddles.
- Interrupt (!): Spirit Bolt (Random target ST nuke)
- Healer: Make sure you contribute damage to the burst phase. Every bit counts and incoming dmg is low.
How do you install QE Dungeon Tips?
You can install QE Dungeon Tips with an addon manager like the Overwolf/Curseforge app. You could also use an open source addon manager like WowUp (wowup.io).
QE Dungeon Tips can also be installed manually. This requires visiting a site like CurseForge or Wowinterface and then placing it into your addon folder. If you need more help on installing addons, check out our guide on How to Install WoW Addons in 2021.
How do you use QE Dungeon Tips?
One of the best things about QE Dungeon Tips is how easy it is to use. If you aren’t too particular, you can simply install the addon, boot up your game, and you are good to go.
By default, a small floating box will pop up on your screen when zoning into a dungeon. You can move the box by clicking and dragging and resize it with the small triangle in the bottom right. The tips listed in the image below are the same as the list above.

If you feel so inclined, you can change several options for the addon.
At the time of writing, there is not slash command to access these options directly. To get to the menu for the addon, you need to press ESC -> Click on Interface -> Addons tab -> Click on QE Dungeon Tips.
Upon opening the options, you will see that you can choose which information you want to show, where the tips appear, and other options.
If you don’t like the floating box, you can uncheck the “Show tips in separate frame” option and the tips will appear in the default tooltips when hovering over mobs.
All the other options are pretty straightforward.

Final Thoughts and Important Links
QE Dungeon Tips is very easy to set up and use. It is a great addon whether you are uncomfortable with the new dungeons or are new to the game. It has several options which you can change to customize it the way you want. I imagine we will see even more features added as more players begin using the addon. Overall, I would recommend you QE Dungeon Tips a shot!
Authors: Questionably Epic – Voulkk
Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/qe-dungeon-tips
Website: https://questionablyepic.com/mythicplus-addon/
Thanks for reading!
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