A quick introduction on how to set up and use the Angry Keystones addon in World of Warcraft

If If you enjoy doing mythic+ dungeons like me, you should check out the Angry Keystones addon. At the time of writing, it has nearly 12 million downloads, and for good reason. In this quick spotlight, I’ll walk you through the basic features of Angry Keystones and help you get started!
What does Angry Keystones do?
At its core, Angry Keystones was created to do a few things.
First, it replaces the default mythic plus timer UI on the side of your screen. By default, the UI shows your remaining time, enemy forces percent, and a boss checklist. Angry Keystones will keep all of these elements, but it will add lines in the timer bar, so you know how close you are to a +2 or +3 chest run.
It will also show the time remaining to 2 or 3 chest next to the main timer. Here is an example from one of my recent runs. You can see that it shows 11:42 left to time the dungeon and 3:30 left to be able to 2 chest.

It will also add the time each boss was defeated next to their name and decimals to the enemy forces percent. Having the extra decimals may seem like a small thing, but it can make all the difference in certain dungeons where you need to reach a set percent before taking a portal or long walk to the next area. Nothing worse than having to make your way all the way back through the dungeon to kill one mob!
It also has some other cool features, which I’ll talk about in a moment, but first, let’s get it installed.
How to install Angry Keystones
You can install Angry Keystones by downloading it from CurseForge. Then place the unzipped files into your addon folder (located in the same drive as your game), or use an addon manager like WowUp. With an addon manager, you can simply search for “Angry Keystones” and then click install.
If you need a more detailed guide on how to install addons, check out my article here.
How to use Angry Keystones
Angry Keystones is easy to use. Once you install it, the only thing you need to do is make sure your options are set the way you would like.
Let’s take a look at the options and some other neat features in the addon.
To get started, all you need to do is type /akeys into chat. This will open a small options window with a handful of checkboxes for you to look over.

From a quick glance at the list, you can see that Angry Keystones does several things to make your runs feel smoother. I like that it automatically selects gossip entries, so I don’t screw up the respawn point perk for being Night Fae in Mists of Tirna Scithe. Not that I have ever done that *looks around guiltily*.
It is also nice that it removes talking heads and adds the enemy forces percent to your tooltips.
If you are looking to really push keys, you can also change your setting for objective splits display. By default, this will show when you killed the bosses based on when you began the dungeon. You can change this to instead show times relative to your last run. You might not be training for MDI, but seeing if your group is going faster or slower than the previous run is fun.
The other nice feature of Angry Keystones is the revamp it brings to the Mythic+ dungeons tab. It doesn’t change it drastically, but it does add the upcoming affix schedule so you can see if any push weeks are coming up!

Final Thoughts and Important Links
Angry Keystones is an easy-to-use addon. Once you have the features you want turned on, you don’t have to do anything else. I really like all the extra information it provides and how clean and lightweight it is. If you enjoy playing mythic plus, definitely check out Angry Keystones!
Owner: Ermads
Curseforge: Link
Great Review, thank you. What im missing is a version info or a date at the beginning of the article, to know how old is the review.