The requirements to unlock allied races have changed over time. Unfortunately, many guides have not been updated to reflect this. The ones that are updated are written for players familiar with the old content. Unfortunately, if you are new or returning to the game, these guides can be hard to follow. In this guide, I want to dive into every detail you need to know to unlock the vulpera allied race.
You can unlock the vulpera allied race in Dragonflight by completing 2 steps:
- Finish the main Vul’dun zone storyline, which awards the Secrets in the Sands achievement (requires level 30 Horde character).
- Complete the recruitment quest chain starting at the Orgrimmar Embassy (req level 50 Horde character).
At a high level, that is all you need to do. Unfortunately, as many players have discovered, figuring out how to begin the Vol’dun questline can be challenging in Dragonflight.
Without further ado, let’s jump into the details and some common problems players run into during this process.
How to get to Vol’dun in Dragonflight

For Horde players, you can get to Vol’dun by taking the portal to Zuldazar in the Orgrimmar Portal room. From there, you can take a flight path to Vol’dun if available (if you have been there before).
One of the most confusing parts of this whole unlock process is the requirements to get to Vol’dun and begin the storyline. To start the Vol’dun storyline and unlock vulpera, you need to have a Horde character at or above level 30.
Horde: Level 30+
If your character is level 30+, you can check the scouting map up the west stairs in the chamber where you appear inside the Great Seal. This should give you the option to select Vol’dun as your questing zone and unlock a flight path for you.
In theory, the only prerequisite to start Vol’dun is to be level 30 but some players have had problems with picking up the Vol’dun quest from the scouting map in the Great Seal. If this is you, and you have earned The Throne of Zuldazar and The Dark Heart of Nazmir achievements, you can try picking up and completing The Blood Gate storyline from Baine at the Great Seal (this worked for some players).
Horde: Under Level 30
For new characters below level 30, your only option on the scouting map will be the Zuldazar storyline. This leaves you with 2 options:
- Level in another expansion and come back after level 30.
- Level through the Battle for Azeroth (BFA) zones.
If you are new to WoW, you will be forced into leveling through BFA. This isn’t the worst thing because you will need to earn the Zandalar Forever! achievement to unlock other allied races like Zandalari Trolls anyway. Hence, if you are trying to unlock all the allied races, I would recommend you level through Zuldazar, Nazmir, and then Vol’dun.
If you need to level a Horde toon, it is easy to level through the Battle for Azeroth expansion and complete Secrets in the Sands while leveling.
Complete the Vol’dun storyline
Once you have reached Vol’dun, it is time to start/finish the main questlines.
Overall, there are 7 chapters in the main story. You can begin the storyline by accepting the quest Vol’dun from the scouting map in The Great Seal. This will take you on a short adventure around Zuldazar and then into Vol’dun.
If you are interested, here are the chapters required for the Secrets in the Sands achievement:
- Unlikely Allies
- The Warguard’s Fate
- The Three Keepers
- Atul’Aman
- Dangers in the Desert
- A City of Secrets
- Storming the Spire
These chapters require you to complete about 70 quests and will take you 2-4 hours, depending on how fast you quest.
Do the recruitment quests
With the main storyline completed and Secrets in the Sands earned, it is time to begin the recruitment quests. There are about 25 quests in this chain and some are pretty long so you still have another couple of hours to go before you unlock the Vulpera.
To begin the quest chain, you need to have a level 50 Horde character. You can then visit Ji Firepaw in the Orgrimmar Embassy and accept the quest Guests at Grommash Hold.

I am not going to list out each quest because there are 25, and the game walks you through the process of completing them.
Once you have completed the quest chain, you can log in and play your new fuzzy vulpera!
I have included a few frequently asked questions below. If you are working on unlocking other allied races, here is my quick allied race unlock overview and links to detailed guides for every race.
Alliance | Horde |
Dark Iron Dwarf | Highmountain Tauren |
Kul Tiran | Mag’har Orc |
Lightforged Draenei | Nightborne |
Mechagnome | Zandalari Troll |
Void Elf | Vulpera |
Frequently Asked Questions
You need to be level 30+ to begin the Vol’dun storyline. Once you reach level 30, you can start the Vol’dun storyline from the scouting map in the Great Seal (H). Alliance characters cannot unlock the Vulpera allied race.
If you have a Horde character over level 50, unlocking vulpera will take you anywhere from 4 – 6 hours from scratch. If you need to level a Horde character, it might take you more like 12 – 20+ hours (depending on your leveling speed).
If you decide to roll a vulpera, you can play as one of 9 different classes in World of Warcraft, including:
Death Knight
The only classes that you cannot play as vulpera are demon hunter, druid, and paladin.
Vulpera have 2 primary active racial abilities.
Bag of Tricks
The first is an ability called Bag of Tricks. It is a 1.5-minute cooldown spell that you can use to heal allies or damage enemies.
You can only have one “trick” active at any given time. This means you can’t use the ability to deal damage and then use it to heal 1.5 minutes later without first changing the trick.
To change your trick, you need to use the supporting ability called Rummage Your Bag. This allows you to switch between damage and healing spells every 5 minutes. Using Rummage Your Bag will also let you change the type of damage or healing trick you want to use as well.
By default, vulpera have one damaging trick called Corrosive Vial. If you want to unlock additional ones, you will need to obtain them as drops from bosses. Similarly, vulpera start with one healing trick called Healing Vial and can get additional ones. I will talk about where to find each new trick in the next question.
The second active ability available to vulpera is the Make Camp/Return to Camp. This is basically an additional 1-hour cooldown hearthstone which allows you to set a location as your camp and return to it when you want.
Your camp gives you the ability to cook and obtain rest for 5 minutes but is saved as a spot for you to return to in the future by using Return to Camp.
If you have read any other articles on my site, you know by now that I am an addon junkie. I write a lot about addons and how to use them. So, of course, I needed to check for addons to help with vulpera. What I found was a great addon called Caravana. This simple addon shows the location of your camp on the Return to Camp ability tooltip and an icon on your map.
Vulpera passive racial abilities
In addition to their two primary abilities, vulpera have 3 passive racial skills, including:
Alpaca Saddlebags – Backpack size increased by 8 slots
Fire Resistance — Takes 1% less fire damage
Nose For Trouble – Reduces first hit from an enemy by 5% of your max health
Between the ability to use camps and the slightly larger backpack, vulpera are an excellent race for farming materials and old content.
You can obtain more tricks from old raids. The default Corrosive Vial ability deals with nature damage, but you can get 2 tricks that use fire and shadow damage. To get the fire one, called Flames of Fury, you will need to obtain it from Ragnaros in the Firelands raid. The shadow damage trick, Sinister Shadows, is dropped by Cho’gall in the Bastion of Twilight raid.
On the healing side, your default Healing Vial is a nature spell. You can unlock a holy version, Holy Relic, by obtaining it from Entropius in the Sunwell Plateau raid.
These additional tricks are not guaranteed to drop from the bosses and are not account bound. Unfortunately, you may have to run the raid a few times to obtain them, and you cannot share them between vulpera on your account. Luckily, getting additional tricks is primarily cosmetic as they all deal the same damage (ignoring slight differences in resistances).
Once you have unlocked vulpera, you can begin working on acquiring their heritage armor. To do this, you need to earn the Heritage of the Vulpera achievement, which requires you to reach level 50 on a new vulpera character.
As an important side note, you will not earn the achievement if you reach level 50 by using a level boosts, race change, or recruit a friend levels to unlock the armor.
Final Thoughts
Unlocking the vulpera allied race in Dragonflight requires the Secrets in the Sands achievement. You earn this by completing the Vol’dun storyline after reaching level 30 on your character. After acquiring the achievement, you can recruit the vulpera with the quest that starts in the Orgrimmar Embassy on a level 50+ Horde toon.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy exploring Azeroth on your brand new Caravan Hyena!
Let me just say, your guides have been WONDERFUL! A legit lifesaver. Thank you so much for them <3
Glad they have been helpful!
The banner wil show two check marks when you are level 50 and have finished “Secrets in the Sand” when you have in fact not finished. Kiro asks if the Vulpera may join the Horde and is more or less politely turned away. He then sends you off on another storyline and you come back with Nisha. You then go off on ANOTHER storyline and come back with someone else. When there are two other foxes standing there with Kiro, THEN the Tauren warchief accepts the Vulpera into the Horde. and THEN the Vulpera becme available.
What he said, f$@!%&# ‘A’ comment,ur a looooong way from home if u just got secret sand=a achiev..