A quick guide to unlocking the void elf allied race in WoW

The process of unlocking allied races was simplified with the launch of WoW Dragonflight. Races that previously required long rep grinds now only require completing questlines. Unfortunately, where to start these quests isn’t always straightforward, particularly for new returning players. In this guide, I will walk you through each step required to unlock the void elf allied race for the Alliance. Before we dive into the details, here is a brief overview of the requirements:
You can unlock Void Elves in World of Warcraft by completing two steps:
- Reach level 40 on an alliance character
- Do the recruitment quest chain that starts at the Stormwind Embassy.
Step 1: Reach level 40
The first requirement to unlock void elves is to raise an alliance character to level 40. Even if you are a new player starting from scratch, this should only take a few hours as you go through Exile’s Reach and the Dragon Isles.
The good news is that once you meet this requirement, you can easily unlock every alliance allied race (except the Earthen)!
Step 2: Do the Void Elf recruitment quests
After reaching level 40, you’re ready to start “recruiting” the void elves into the alliance and onto your character creation screen. The recruitment quests tell the story of how the void elves came to join the alliance.
You can start the recruitment quest chain by accepting the quest called The Ghostlands from the Stormwind Embassy. If you haven’t been there before, you can find the embassy in the northern area of Stormwind, as seen on this map.

After accepting The Ghostlands, a purple portal will appear near the NPC that gave you the quest. Take that portal and follow the markers to find three notebooks. Unfortunately, the Ghostlands are one of the few remaining zones that do not allow flying, so you’ll have to take your ground mount.
Once you find the notebooks, turn in the quest and pick up a new one called Telogrus Rift. This will spawn another purple portal and start a 10-part scenario that walks you through the events leading to the void elves joining the Alliance.
From there, all you need to do is finish the scenario and turn it in to create your very own void elf!
Final Thoughts
I have included a few frequently asked questions below. If you are working on unlocking other allied races, here is my quick allied race unlock overview and links to detailed guides for every race.
Alliance | Horde |
Dark Iron Dwarf | Highmountain Tauren |
Kul Tiran | Mag’har Orc |
Lightforged Draenei | Nightborne |
Mechagnome | Zandalari Troll |
Void Elf | Vulpera |
Earthen | Earthen |
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a level 40 alliance character, you can unlock void elves in under half an hour.
Once you unlock void elves, you can play as one of 8 different classes in World of Warcraft, including:
Death Knight
The only classes you cannot play as void elf are demon hunter, druid, paladin, and shaman.
Void elves have 1 active racial ability called Spatial Rift. The first time you press the ability, it will cause a slow-moving ball of void energy to shoot out from your character. It will travel 30 yards and then give you about 5 seconds to reactivate the ability to teleport to it.
It is on a 3-minute cooldown and may be helpful in a few niche situations but doesn’t have a significant impact overall.
In addition to Spatial Rift, void elves have 4 passive racial skills, including:
Chill of Night: Decreases Shadow damage taken by 1%.
Entropic Embrace: Gives a 33% chance to grant you a 5% increase to damage and healing for 12 seconds when using abilities. It cannot occur more frequently than every 60 seconds.
Ethereal Connection: Void Storage and Transmog costs are reduced by 50%.
Preternatural Calm: Taking damage doesn’t slow your spell casting.
Once you have unlocked void elves, you can begin working on acquiring their heritage armor, which requires reaching level 50 on a void elf character. As an important side note, you can earn the heritage armor using a level boost or race change!
Thank you for this, it was incredibly helpful!
You’re welcome! Glad it helped.