The requirements to unlock allied races changed with the launch of the Shadowlands pre-patch. Among the largest of these changes was removing required reputation grinds. Still, many guides mention the need to earn reputation or recommend steps that are not necessary anymore. In this guide, I want to provide clear directions on how you can unlock Mechagnomes in Dragonflight!
There are 2 requirements to unlock Mechagnomes in WoW Dragonflight, which includes:
- Completing the Mechagon storyline to earn The Mechagonian Threat.
- Doing the 12 recruitment quests, starting at the Stormwind Embassy (level 50+ alliance character).
Complete the Mechagon storyline

The first thing you need to do to earn Mechagnomes is to complete the Mechagon storyline.
This can be done on a Horde or Alliance character. If you have already earned The Mechagonian Threat on a Horde character, you are good. All you need to do is jump on a level 50+ alliance character and pick up the recruitment quest (which we’ll talk about in a moment).
If you didn’t play in the Battle for Azeroth (BFA) expansion and don’t have Mechagon unlocked, you are in for a little bit of a grind. To walk you through the grind or help you get back to Mechagon, I wrote a super detailed guide on how to get to Mechagon.
If you don’t want all the details, here is the CliffNotes version of the requirements to get to Mechagon:
- Reach level 50+
- Finish the A Nation Divided questline and earn the Come Sail Away achievement (Alliance Only)
- Pick up A Dying World quest from the Earthen Guardian near the inn in Boralus or Great Seal in Dazar’Alor
- Complete the Uniting Kul Tiras (A) or Uniting Zandalar (H) quest after reaching friendly rep with 3 factions
- Start the Nazjatar storyline by accepting the Send the Fleet quest in Boralus (A) / Dazar’alor (H)
- Do the Nazjatar storyline until a dwarf named Magni Bronzebeard appears. Accept his quest called Essential Empowerment
- Follow Magni’s quest chain to unlock the Heart Forge
- Return to Nazjatar and complete the storyline until you unlock world quests
- Accept The Legend of Mechagon from Gazlowe in Dazar’Alor (H) or Tinkmaster Overspark in Boralus Harbor (A)
If you didn’t play in BFA and don’t have the achievement yet, I would highly recommend going through this process on an alliance character — even if you have to level one. This will make your life easier down the road because you will need a level 50+ alliance character to complete the second part of the Mechagnome unlock anyway.
Once you unlock Mechagon, you need to complete the 16-part storyline. The last part requires defeating the final boss of the Operation: Mechagon dungeon but was made skippable in patch 9.1.5.
If you are interested, here is the complete list of the story requirements to earn The Mechagonian Threat:
- The Legend of Mechagon
- Let’s Get It Started
- Report to Gila
- The Start of Something Bigger
- The Resistance Needs YOU!
- My Father’s Armies
- Drill Rig Construction
- Welcome to the Resistance
- Looking Inside
- You Must be This Height
- A Small Team
- Princely Visit
- Rescuing the Resistance
- We Can Fix It
- Send My Father a Message
- Operation: Mechagon – The Mechoriginator
Overall, the quest chain will take you less than an hour to complete.
Once you finish the chain and earn the achievement, it is time to recruit those gnome cyborgs.
Do the 12 quest Mechagnome recruitment storyline
Unlike the Mechagon storyline, the recruitment quests do require you to have a level 50+ alliance character.
To start the Mechagnome recruitment quest chain, you will need to accept a quest called Urgent Care. It can be picked up from the Stormwind Embassy in the northern part of the city or as a quest from Prince Erazmin on Mechagon immediately after earning The Mechagonian Threat.

If the quest doesn’t pop up or you aren’t able to get it from the embassy, double-check that you earned The Mechagonian Threat achievement and try relogging.

From there, you just need to follow the chain and complete the following quests:
- Urgent Care
- Waning Energy
- Someone Who Can Help
- The Current Schematic
- Voyage to Safety
- Better… Stronger… Less Dead
- Him?
- Mental Attunement
- A Strong Heart
- Ascension
- The Future of Mechagon
- Propagate the News
I have included a few frequently asked questions below. If you are working on unlocking other allied races, here is my quick allied race unlock overview and links to detailed guides for every race.
Alliance | Horde |
Dark Iron Dwarf | Highmountain Tauren |
Kul Tiran | Mag’har Orc |
Lightforged Draenei | Nightborne |
Mechagnome | Zandalari Troll |
Void Elf | Vulpera |
Frequently Asked Questions
Based on the requirements, you can expect it to take 3 – 4 hours to unlock Mechagnomes. However, suppose you need to level an Alliance character or do the quests without BFA flying. In that case, you can expect it to take much longer. If you want to make your time in Mechagon easier, you should check out my article on unlocking flying in BFA zones.
Mechagnomes can play as 8 of the 12 classes in World of Warcraft. They cannot play as demon hunters, druids, paladins, or shamans. Every other class is fair game, including:
Death Knight
Racial traits are special skills provided to characters based on their race. In the case of Mechagnomes, they have an active ability called Hyper Organic Light Originator.
This allows the Mechagnome to summon copies of themselves that have 10% of their max HP. The copies will do basic auto attacks and reduce your threat until they are killed or die 15 seconds later.
Outside of that, Mechagnomes have 4 passive racial abilities, including:
Combat Analysis: Increases your primary stat every 5 seconds in combat
Emergency Failsafe: Heals you for 15% of your max health when you drop below 20% health
Mastercraft: Gives you access to an anvil, cooking fire, and forge
Skeleton Pinkie: Lets you open locked chests and doors without a key
Final Thoughts
Unlocking Mechagnomes in Dragonflight is a straightforward 2 step process — as you need to complete the Mechagon and recruitment questlines. Unfortunately, these steps can take a considerable amount of time because unlocking Mechagon takes a while and you might have to level an Alliance character to level 50.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy cruising around on your new Mechagon Mechanostrider!
I have done literally everything possible in order to unlock Mechagon but it just isn’t working. For some reason, Gila Crosswires won’t appear in Naz’jatar and give me the quest “Fame Waits for Gnome One”. Because of that, Tinkmaster Overpsark won’t appear in Boralus so that I can get the quest “The Legend of Mechagon”. This is infuriating. I even sent in a ticket to Blizz to see if they can resolve my issue. Any help provided here would be GREATLY appreciated.
Definitely is the most comprehensive, yet to-the-point guide that I’ve seen. Although a long-time player, I am not on my (new) second account and have taken all these achievements/reps/quests for granted–had all the allied races unlocked so starting from scratch (again) this handy write-up became a real life-saver.
Cannot thank you enough for taking the time to get this done!
This post saved me when trying to get the Mechagnome unlock, thank you!! One thing that I think is updated for Dragonflight is, the level requirement for the “Urgent Care’ quest is now 60! If you can’t see the quest but have done everything else to start the recruitment line, try hitting 60!
You have to do this with an alliance toon. Trust me, you have to.
I had done the achievement, “The Mechagonian Threat” on my horde main, and leveled an alliance character to 50. The UI even had the requirements checked off as “complete” at the stormwind embassy. But, no quest chain at the embassy. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/yag7sl/you_cant_unlock_mechagnome_by_getting_the/
If you have never unlocked Mechagon with an ally character, you have to pick up the starting quest “Urgent Care” in Mechagon, rather than at the embassy. This means, yes, unlocking mechagon, again. With your ally. As you might remember from doing it with horde, this is locked behind Magni, which is in turn locked behind nazjatar, which in turn is locked behind rep with all three factions on Kul’Tiras.
If you have never unlocked mechagon with an ally. You must get to level 50 as an ally and:
1. Grind to friendly with the three Kul’Tiras factions (the Drustvar one, “Order of Embers” takes especially long as you will not start getting rep until you are about halfway through the story for that zone, then you will get 3,500 rep at once). I suppose you can do this step on your way to 50.
2. Unlock Nazjatar and do that intro
3. Do magni’s questline (even if you already have a heart of azeroth, as I did, you have to do this)
4. Back to nazjatar to unlock world quests.
5. Unlock mechagon
6. Unlock mechagnome
Approximately 6 hours of gametime with a level 50 ally toon who had 0 bfa content done.
Trust me I just did this on horde, and then again on ally, and finally unlocked mechagnome. Was a longtime horde-only player so had done 0 bfa content. Still, leveling to 50 and getting the achieve with my horde main was not enough. I checked Stormwind Embassy, Boralus, and other relevant areas frequently while I was doing this to see if I had triggered the mechagnome quest chain along the way. Nope. Took doing the entire thing over again.
I am currently working on opening up all the races both Allied and Horde. I did have to do a few over again because most require you do “Ready for War” and “Tides of Vengeance” all on one toon. This questline was great because I could switch to an Allied toon who did most of the Mechagnome requirements.
Thanks so much for your very clear directions.
You’re welcome, glad it helped out! Grats on unlocking.
Tried to unlock the race but Tinkmaster Overspark is not at boralus what i need to do to get him?
Chances are you need to progress a little further into the Nazjatar storyline (up until the point you unlock world quests). Since I am not sure where you are in the process, I would recommend you check out the BtwQuests and BtwQuests: Battle for Azeroth addons. Those addons give you a dungeon journal-style interface that allows you to see what you need to do next to progress in the unlock process. Hopefully that helps!
I just unlocked Mechagnomes and I didn’t have to goto the Embassy to get the quests only to complete it. I received the quest Urgent Care on Mechagon, perhaps because I was already level 50. And the end of the chain I was sent to the Embassy to report the news, unlocking the race and gaining the item to add the mount to my collection.
That is good to know, I will update the post to clarify that. Thanks!
Any idea on how to get the guy to spawn at the flight path in Boralis? Been researching all over and cant seem to find out what I need to do. Been off the game for 10 years. So all the new content since Pandaria is new.
First of all, welcome back to Azeroth! Hopefully you are enjoying it.
That is a great question, it is a little confusing because you will need to complete part of the questline in Nazjatar (Welcome to Nazjatar) which requires level 50 and the Uniting Kul Tiras story line.
It is a little bit of a spaghetti trail to follow it so I would recommend that you download BtwQuests and BtwQuests: Battle for Azeroth. This gives you a dungeon journal interface for every major quest chain in the game and shows you what the prerequisites are. It has save me countless times!