A quick guide to unlocking the Kul Tiran human allied race in WoW

If you are a new or returning WoW player, the process of unlocking allied races may feel daunting. In this guide, I will walk you through what worked for me so you can unlock the Kul Tiran allied race! Before we dive into the details, here is a brief overview of the requirements:
You can unlock the Kul Tiran humans by completing two steps:
- Reach level 40+ on an alliance character
- Do the recruitment quest chain that starts at the Stormwind Embassy
Step 1: Reach level 40+
The first step in unlocking the Kul Tiran allied race is to reach level 40 on an Alliance character. This may take a few hours if you are new to World of Warcraft or the Alliance. Luckily, having a level 40 alliance character is required for four other allied race unlocks (Dark Iron Dwarf, Void Elf, Lightforged Draenai, and Mechagnome).
The only Alliance race that will require more is the Earthen. If you are interested, you can read about their unlock process in the link below.
Step 2: Do the recruitment quests
After reaching level 40, your next step will be to travel to Stormwind to pick up the recruitment quest chain. This starts at the embassy on the northern edge of Stormwind and should be marked with a gold exclamation mark on your world map.

The first quest in the chain is called Made in Kul Tiras and it can be picked up from the pandarian inside the embassy. There are about 20 quests in the series. And while that sounds like a lot, you can bang through it quickly because many of them are “go talk to that guy” types of quests.
Here is a list of every recruitment quest required to unlock Kul Tirans:
- Made in Kul Tiras
- The Master Shipwright
- Fish Tales and Distant Sails
- Home, Home On the Range
- I’m Too Old for This Ship
- Covering Our Masts
- The Deep Ones
- Frame Work
- Team Carry
- This Lumber is Haunted
- The Bleak Hills
- Drop It!
- Her Dog Days Are Over
- Make it Wright
- Gorak Tul’s Influence
- Balance in All Things
- Summons from Dorian
- A Worthy Crew
- Blessing of the Tides
Many of these quests take place on the continent of Kul Tiras. The best way to Kul Tiras from Stormwind is to take the portal to Boralus from the tower in the Mage Quarters.
Bonus: Unlocking Other Allied Races
With the Kul Tiran unlocked, you are well on your way to unlocking other allied races. All you need to do is keep picking up and completing the quests from the embassy, and you’ll have nearly every alliance race.
If you run into issues, here is my quick allied race unlock overview and links to detailed guides for every race.
Alliance | Horde |
Dark Iron Dwarf | Highmountain Tauren |
Kul Tiran Human | Mag’har Orc |
Lightforged Draenei | Nightborne |
Mechagnome | Zandalari Troll |
Void Elf | Vulpera |
Earthen | Earthen |
Frequently Asked Questions
This depends on whether you have a level 40+ alliance character or not. If you are starting from scratch, it will probably take you 3 – 5 hours in total, depending on how fast you fly through leveling.
Kul Tirans can play as 10 classes in World of Warcraft. They cannot play as demon hunters, paladins, or evokers. Every other class is fair game, including:
– Death Knight
– Druid
– Hunter
– Mage
– Monk
– Priest
– Rogue
– Shaman
– Warlock
– Warrior
Kul Tiran Humans have 1 active racial ability and 4 passive ones. Their active ability, Haymaker, can be used to knock enemies back and stun them for 3 seconds.
Their passive racial skills include:
Brush It Off: Heal for 2% of damage taken over 4 seconds and 1% increase to versatility.
Child of the Sea: 10% faster swim speed and 50% more breath capacity.
Jack of All Trades: Plus 5 to all tradeskills.
Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Take 1% less Frost and Nature damage
Thanks for making this guide so straightforward, I came back from a couple year break but this guide helped me see where I was in the process for this race.
You’re welcome! Glad it helped you out, and welcome back!