There has been a lot of hype around the mage tower in Shadowlands… but how do you get there?

Shadowlands recently introduced the new Legion timewalking event. While the event is active, you’ll be able to revisit Legion dungeons and participate in the super-popular mage tower challenge mode. In this guide, I’ll answer some basic questions about the tower and show you where it is located. I’ll cover it in more detail, but if you want the quick answer on how to get to the mage tower… here it is:
The mage tower can be found at Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore — a small island east of Legion Dalaran. You can get there using your Dalaran hearthstone or by taking the portal to Azsuna from Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Once you arrive in Dalaran or Azsuna, you can use your flying mount to reach the Broken Shore.

I have posted another map of the Broken Shore below to show exactly where the mage tower is. But first, let’s talk about what it is and why you should try it out.
What is the mage tower?
The mage tower is a difficult single-player challenge introduced in the Legion expansion. Your assigned challenge scenario depends on the class and specialization you play. There are 7 different challenge scenarios to try, but you would need multiple characters and specs to do so.
Why you should try it
In addition to being a fun challenge, the mage tower offers multiple rewards. Defeating the challenge for your class will reward you with a special transmog appearance for your character. If you have multiple characters and complete all 7 scenarios, you will receive the Soaring Spelltome mount!
If you are going for the mount, the 7 scenarios and the class/spec assignments look like this:
- Closing the Eye – Frost Death Knight, Havoc Demon Hunter, Survival Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, Arms Warrior
- An Impossible Foe – Unholy Death Knight, Feral Druid, Fire Mage, Outlaw Rogue, Elemental Shaman, Fury Warrior
- The God-Queen’s Fury – Arcane Mage, Retribution Paladin, Assassination Rogue, Enhancement Shaman, Demonology Warlock
- Feltotem’s Fall – Beast Mastery Hunter, Windwalker Monk, Discipline Priest, Destruction Warlock
- The Highlord’s Return – Blood Death Knight, Vengeance Demon Hunter, Guardian Druid, Brewmaster Monk, Protection Paladin, Protection Warrior
- End of the Risen Threat – Restoration Druid, Mistweaver Monk, Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, Restoration Shaman
- Thwarting the Twins – Balance Druid, Marksmanship Hunter, Frost Mage, Shadow Priest, Affliction Warlock
Where is the mage tower located?
As mentioned, the mage tower can be found at Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore. This is located near the island’s south end and can be reached by flight path. If you are a coordinate user, you can get to it by setting a waypoint to 45.7, 62.1.
After reaching Deliverance Point, you can see a small representation of the tower if you open your map. To be honest, it looks like the Eiffel Tower on the map but is actually nothing more than a giant circular pile of stone in-game. Man, that makes me want to listen to some Eiffel 65 now.

How to enter the mage tower
Once you arrive at the mage tower, you will see an NPC named War Councilor Victoria standing at the entrance. Speaking to her will give you an option to begin the challenge scenario. If you lose, not that you are going to, you can talk to her again to restart the challenge.

Do you need to play through the Legion intro to access the mage tower?
One question I had was whether you can reach the mage tower without playing through the Legion intro, so I decided to test it out. I logged onto my fresh level 60 shaman, who only leveled through BFA and Shadowlands, and made my way through the Azsuna portal.
From there, I flew to Dalaran and then to the Broken Shore. The fatigue meter popped up for a moment, but I made it with more than half the bar to spare.
When I arrived at the tower, I was able to see the NPC to queue up! So, no, you don’t need to do the Legion intro to try out the mage tower.
Why you can’t start a scenario
You can only enter the mage tower when the Legion timewalking event is active. I honestly hope that Blizzard reconsiders that choice and makes it available whenever, but we can only hope!
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this quick guide helped you get to the mage tower and take down some baddies. Now that Legion timewalking is live, I plan on diving in and making some more Legion timewalking content in future articles.
Thanks for reading!
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