A quick guide to Legion m+ timeworn keystones in WoW — how to get one and how it works

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands recently introduced a feature that allows you to do mythic+ dungeons for the Legion expansion. They function like Shadowlands keystones but are only available during the Legion timewalking event. If Legion time walking is active, here is how you can snag yourself a Legion mythic keystone.
You can get a Legion mythic keystone from Ta’hsup in Oribos. He can be found near the great vault in the Hall of Holding and will offer a quest called “Timeworn Keystone: The Broken Isles.” This quest is only active during the Legion timewalking event.

What dungeons can I get a keystone for?
There are 6 Legion dungeons included in the mythic+ timewalking pool, including:
- Black Rook Hold
- Court of Stars
- Darkheart Thicket
- Eye of Azshara
- Neitharion’s Lair
- Vault of the Wardens
What level will the keystone be?
The level of your timeworn keystone is the same as your Shadowlands dungeon keystone difficulty. In other words, if you completed a +12 the week before the Legion timewalking event, you will be able to pick up a +12 timeworn keystone from Ta’hsup.
What if my key is too high?
If you feel like the level of your Legion keystone is too high, you can speak to Ta’hsup to drop it. Selecting the “My Timework Keystone level is too high” option will reduce your key’s difficulty by one level and can be repeated as many times as you want.

How long do timeworn keystones last?
Legion timeworn keystones last for the duration of the Legion timewalking event. Timewalking events typically last for one week and repeat on an 18-week cycle. In that time, you can push your key just like you would for Shadowlands dungeons.
What affixes do Legion keystones have?
Many of the affixes attached to Legion keys will look familiar. Blizzard has only announced two affix rotations for Legion keys, but it isn’t clear whether this rotation only applied to the initial event or if it will alternate with each timewalking event.
The two rotations are:
- Tyrannical, Bursting, Volcanic, Infernal
- Fortified, Quaking, Sanguine, Infernal
Infernal is an affix attached to Legion timewalking m+ dungeons. It adds a Legion invasion beacon before 3 bosses in each dungeon. When you interact with the beacon, it will spawn a Legion lieutenant you need to defeat. If you don’t activate the beacon, the lieutenant will spawn when you engage the boss anyway.
Legion keystones and the great vault
Completing a Legion key will count toward your great vault progress. If you complete 10 keys while the timewalking event is active, you will be able to choose one piece of gear from the 3 provided options. The options will be from Shadowlands dungeon since you cannot get Legion m+ gear in your great vault.
Final Thoughts
Legion timewalking keys are a fun way to revisit old content and collect some Legion dungeon gear at Shadowlands item levels. I didn’t mention it above, but the drops you get in Legion m+ can be upgraded with valor which is pretty cool. If you are looking for some more Legion timewalking fun, check out my article: How to Get to the Mage Tower in Shadowlands.
Best of luck with blasting some Legion keys!
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