The Alliance is a proud and light-driven faction, led currently by King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind. Stormwind is the major capital of the Alliance. It stands as a beacon of hope for the Alliance with its clean stone structures and dark-blue-hued buildings. The symbol of The Alliance is that of a lion, which mirrors the beliefs of the Alliance people. Proud, loyal, regal, but violent when provoked. In this article, we will briefly discuss the Alliance races, their home cities, and their rulers.
1. Humans
The Humans are led by King Anduin Wrynn, and they call Stormwind their home. They’re a fairly new race on the world of Azeroth, but they have made big changes to Azeroth in just that short existence. They are the true embodiments of the Alliance Ideals of regality and loyalty. They speak Common, Dwarven, Thalassian, Gnomish, Zandali, and some speak Orcish. Humans are excellent tacticians and are often leaders of assaults. Some major lore characters are Turalyon, Arthas Menenthil, Khadgar, Uther the Lightbringer, and Medivh.
Playable Classes: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, and Death Knight.
2. Dwarves
The Dwarves live in the cold and stormy area of Dun Morogh. Their capital city is that of Ironforge, a cavern carved out of the mountain by the Dwarves. All Dwarves are not the same though; there are multiple kinds of Dwarves which is why they have no set language. They speak Dwarven, Common, Gnomish, Goblin, Orcish, and Thalassian. Some Dwarves do not call Ironforge their home either, but that will be discussed in a different article.
The Dwarves are ruled by the Council of Three Hammers which consists of Moira Thaurissan, Muradin Bronzebeard, and Falstad Wildhammer. The Dwarves pride themselves on their blacksmithing and archeology. They are the second oldest race on Azeroth which drives their love for archeology. Some major lore characters are Magni Bronzebeard, Brann Bronzebeard, Hemet Nesingwary, and Vanndar Stormspike.
Playable Classes: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, and Death Knight.
3. Night Elves
As of writing this article they have no place to call their home. It formerly was a giant stump in the ocean call Darnassus. Sylvanus Windrunner burned Darnassus to the ground. The Night Elves speak Darnassian and Common. They are led by Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind. Night Elves are very spiritual people who are very connected to nature. They believe in a moon goddess by the name of Elune. Tyrande is the high priestess of Elune and the speaker for her.
The Night Elves are inseparable from nature and have a special bond with it. When Darnassus stood, nature thrived there and that is why many believe that the Night Elves do not age. No one quite knows how old they are, but they are a fairly old race. The Night Elves are great hunters and good herbalist. Some major lore characters are Illidan Stormrage, Maeve Shadowsong, Queen Azshara, and Shandris Feathermoon.
Playable Classes: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Warrior, Death Knight, and Demon Hunter.
4. Gnomes
The Gnomes although short in stature, are mighty in the heart. These small firecrackers pack a big punch, not in brawns but brains. Their Home, Gnomeregan, is currently under the control of Leper Gnomes. The Gnomes are working to reclaim their home, but for now, they seek refuge at Mechagon city and Ironforge. Their leader is High Tinkerer Gelbin Mekkatorque. They speak Gnomish, Dwarven, Common, Goblin, Thalassian, and Mechagonian.
The Gnomes are masters of crafting and engineering, and even have their own explosive style of engineering. Where they shine is their war machines that they build. If something is an impressive machine, then you can bet that the Gnomes built it. The Gnomes have a rivalry with the Goblins of the Horde. They want to prove that they are the best inventors of all time. They are most likely the oldest race on Azeroth. Some major lore characters are Millhouse Manastorm, Kelsey Steelspark, Silas Darkmoon, and Fizzcrank Fullthrottle.
Playable Classes: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, and Death Knight.
5. Draenei
The Draenei are followers of the light through and through. They believe in beings of pure light called “The Naaru”. Their Capital city is the Exodar — a spaceship they used to escape their planet that was being invaded by the Burning Legion. They crash-landed on Azeroth and have decided to call it, and the Alliance, home. Their leader is the great prophet of the Light and the Naaru: Velen. They speak Common and Draenei.
They are master jewel crafters and stable masters. With their devotion to the light and their dwindling numbers, they swear that one day they will get revenge and return to save their home. The Draenei have a rough history with the Orcs that we will discuss at a later time. If you are looking for the best jewel crafters and archeologist then look no further than the space goat race of the Draenei. Some Prominent lore figures are Farseer Nobundo, Ishanah, Yrel, and Iridi.
Playable Classes: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Shaman, Warrior, and Death Knight.
6. Worgen
The Worgen are a race of cursed Humans or Night Elves that were bit by a Worgen or drank the blood of one. They were thought to be mad creatures that cannot be controlled, but with time they learned to control their bloodlust. The Worgens that were human used to live in Gilneas, but with the attack of the Undead and wild Worgen, they were forced to leave and find refuge in Darnassus. The Night Elf Worgens always lived in Darnassus. With the burning of Darnassus, both Gilneas and Darnassian Worgens are located in Stormwind City.
They are led by Genn Greymane: The advisor to King Anduin Wrynn and speak Common and Darnassian. They believe in balance in nature and war. If they feel like they’ve been betrayed they are bloodthirsty savages, but most of the time they are a regal and sophisticated race. They are masters of controlling nature and catching their enemies by surprise, even with their height of eight feet. Some important lore characters are Darius Crowley, Tobias Mistmantle, Ivar Bloodfang, and Admiral Ripsnarl.
Playable Classes: Rogue, Warrior, Hunter, Druid, Priest, Warlock, Mage, and Death Knight.
7. Pandaren
The Pandaren are a jovial peace-loving race that allies with both the Horde and the Alliance. They may call Orgrimmar or Stormwind their home, but no Panda can deny that Pandaria is their true home. Pandaria was a mystical land shrouded in mist and unknown to both the Alliance and Horde until very recently. The leader for the Horde Pandaren, The Huojin, is Ji Firepaw. The Leader for the Alliance Pandaren, The Tushui, is Aysa Cloudsinger. They speak Mogu, Pandaren, and Common. With their love for alcohol and food, the Pandaren are the life of any party.
They fight to protect their home and family, to preserve harmony and balance. They question what is worth fighting for. The Pandaren excel at brewing alcohol and making amazing food. They may appear soft and cuddly, but do not mistake them for weak. Even the Least trained Pandaren can take down a swarm of soldiers. Ever since breaking away from the control of the Mogu, they vowed to never be slaves again. Major Lore Characters are Chen Stormstout, Emperor Shaohao, Lorewalker Cho, and Taran Zhu.
Playable Classes: Hunters, Monks, Mage, Shaman, Rogue, Priest, warriors, and (Death Knights available with the purchase of Shadowlands).
If you are looking for loyalty and regality, then the Alliance is the faction for you. Join the fight against the Horde and help to save our land from destruction. Many Races should fit your personality. The Alliance has allies in all places. Allied races are clones of existing races, or even new ones that are similar enough. I will be discussing allied races in another article. Here is the list of Alliance allied races for now:
- Void Elves
- Lightforged Draenei
- Dark Iron Dwarves
- Kul Tiran Humans
- Mechagnomes
Thanks for reading!
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