A quick guide to the Return to Karazhan dungeon from World of Warcraft: Legion

One of the coolest designs for a dungeon in recent World of Warcraft history has to be Return to Karazhan. This dungeon is such a creative spin-off of the Burning Crusade raid and is an absolute blast to run. Whether you are refreshing your memory, or visiting the home of Medivh for the first time, I’ve got you covered!
In this guide, I’ll show you how to get to the entrance of Return to Karazhan, give you a quick strategy for each boss, and answer a few common questions.
How to Get to Karazhan
Karazhan castle is located in Deadwind Pass on the Eastern Kingdoms continent. Alliance players can get there by flying southeast from Stormwind. Horde players can take the zeppelin from Orgrimmar to Grom’Gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale and then fly northeast to Deadwind Pass.
Where is the Return to Karazhan dungeon Entrance?
The Return to Karazhan dungeon entrance is located partway up the east side of Karazhan castle. To get there, you’ll need to fly up to the fel-covered bridge that connects the two pieces of the castle. You can then click to open the metal gate and enter the dungeon through the Karazhan side entrance.

As a side note, if you are lucky enough to be reading this while m+ is active for RTK, the dungeon entrance is the same for both mythic+ keystones — Upper and Lower Karazhan. All you need to do is put your keystone in the pedestal, and you’ll be teleported to the correct sub-dungeon.
Return to Karazhan Bosses
There are a total of 8 bosses in the Return to Karazhan dungeon. The first 4 bosses are part of the lower area of the castle, and the last 4 are in the upper area of the tower. There is also a secret 9th boss who is activated after collecting 5 soul fragments through the dungeon.
If you are doing RTK in mythic+, you won’t need to worry about the 9th boss or any of the soul fragments.
Return to Karazhan: Lower Bosses
Let’s start out by providing a quick one to two-sentence strategy for each boss in the dungeon. This won’t be an exhaustive list of every ability the bosses use but should give a basic understanding of their mechanics.
- Opera Hall – the Opera Hall is a boss that rotates between three options each week, including the following:
- Beautiful Beast – Stay out of stuff on the ground, run away when fixated (and avoid kiting through fire on the ground). Single target focus down the broom first, candlestick next, cauldron, and then the stove. Kill adds when they spawn.
- Westfall Story – Phase 1: Move out when the boss casts the fire ring (Burning Leg Sweep) and stack loosely. Phase 2: Spread when Thunder Ritual debuff is about to expire and avoid waves. Phase 3: Do all mechanics from the first two phases.
- Wikket – Focus down adds, and don’t step on arcane donut circles. Move into purple Defy Gravity tornadoes before Galindre finishes casting Magic Magnificent (mechanic like the Ardenweld boss in DOS).
- Maiden of Virtue – Spread from the group and run to the edge of the room when targeted by sacred ground. When the boss casts Mass Repentance, step into the sacred ground to get one stack of the debuff, which will break you out of the repentance stun. Save cooldowns for Holy Bulwark, a huge shield that you need to break within 10 seconds to interrupt the fatal spell Holy Wrath.
- Attumen the Huntsman – Stop casting during Mighty Stomp, and avoid lines of ghost horses. Once the boss jumps off his horse, stack for Shared Suffering casts and avoid the horse’s charges.
- Moroes – Collect 3-4 ghost traps nearby and use them to CC 3 of the adds near the boss. Focus down Moroes’ guests one at a time while avoiding frontal cones and AoE attacks like Iron Whirlwind.

Return to Karazhan: Upper Bosses
After defeating Moroes, you’ll make your way up the staircase near the dungeon entrance to the next boss — the Curator. Here is a quick overview of each boss in the upper tower and a quick strategy for each one:
- The Curator – Kill Volatile Energy immediately when they spawn and spread when adds are casting static charge. Loosely stack when the boss is casting Power Discharge to keep electric pools close and use big DPS cooldowns while the boss is casting Evocation in phase 2.
- Shade of Medivh – Interrupt Piercing Missiles and Frostbite when possible; if Frostbite hits a player, break them free with Inferno Bolt. When the boss reaches 100% mana, he will use a frost, fire, or arcane ability. During the frost storm, keep running and jumping to remove stacks. For the fire spell, two players will be targeted by flame circles, do not move out of the ring or into another player’s ring. The arcane ability will summon three images of Medivh that you will want to target down one at a time.
- Mana Devourer – Move out of swirling arcane donuts (bombs) on the floor and intercept Loose Mana orbs before they reach the boss. When your stacks of the orb debuff get too high, you can move into the purple tornados to remove stacks. Don’t let the boss reach 100% mana, or you die.
- Viz’aduum the Watcher – Avoid purple orbs, green fire on the ground, and frontal beam from the boss. Move fel beam away from the group when you are targeted by it. Follow the boss through portals he creates, avoid lightning traps, and defeat adds.
If you want to dig a little deeper into each boss, I recommend you watch a guide on YouTube like this one by Hazelnuttygames:
The 9th Secret Boss – Nightbane
To summon Nightbane, you’ll need to collect 5 purple crystals called Soul Fragments within a designated time limit. Here is the location of each crystal and how long you have to reach each one:
- In the audience after defeating Opera Hall (within 8 mins from dungeon start, gives 6 mins to reach next crystal)
- In a room off the hallway near Maiden of Virtue (adds 5 mins to stacking timer)
- On the platform after defeating Moroes (+5 mins)
- In the spider-filled area near the servants’ quarters (+5 mins)
- After you defeat the Curator (+5 mins)
As you can see, each crystal you collect will give you 5 more minutes to reach the next crystal.
Once you have collected all the fragments, you’ll head back to the start of the dungeon and head through the door under the broken stair to reach the Master’s Terrance. You can then speak to the Image of Medivh to summon the fierce dragon Nightbane!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Return to Karazhan dungeon was released in patch 7.1 of the Legion expansion.
Return to Karazhan is in Deadwind Pass between Duskwood and the Swamp of Sorrows. The entrance is found on the side of Karazhan castle, where the guard tower bridge meets the tower wall.
No. When it was released, there was a quest chain that required you to obtain items from bosses in other dungeons. However, that requirement has been removed, so you can walk right in now!
No, there is also a heroic version of Return to Karazhan.
Yes, both versions — heroic and mythic — are soloable. In fact, many mount collectors solo mythic Karazhan every week in hopes of obtaining the Midnight’s Eternal Reins mount from Attumen the Huntsman. The mount only drops on Mythic difficulty.
You can get the rusty keys from the ground after defeating Moroes in the Banquet Hall. This will allow you to open several locked doors in Return to Karazhan.
thank you!! very useful!
You’re welcome! Glad it helped!
Seriously, I love you! I had a lot of stuff going on during the release of the patch and I didnt have time to watch full guides of the new instances. Stressed me out heavily because I didnt know the mechanics anymore. Helped so so much! Thanks for your work & the short guides are so good! <3
Glad it was helpful! Was great to jog my memory while writing it as well.