You are now the proud owner of your very own shiny Zandalari troll (if not, check out our guide on Unlocking Zandalari Trolls). You are excited to get out into Azeroth and beyond. You may be asking yourself “I’m looking in the spellbook and see this Embrace of the Loa ability. Oh, I can go to shrines and get buffs from them?” *Twenty minutes later* “I’m still looking for these shrines and I’ve only found one. Where are the Loa shrines? What are all the Loa Shrines? Am I a Loa shrine?” I am here today to answer that question for you folks.
All of the loa shrines are located around Dazar’Alor on the Zandalar continent. You can get to Zandalar from the Portal Room in Orgrimmar or the boat from the Echo Isles in Durotar. Here is the specific location and buff offered by each loa shrine:
Shrine | Location in Dazar’Alor | |
Kragwa | West | |
Bwonsamdi | West | |
Pa’Ku | South | |
Gonk | South | |
Akunda | East | |
Kimbul | East |
For those of us who are a little more visual:

How do I use the loa shrines?
There are six shrines all around Zandalar. These shrines are luckily close to the Great Seal and aren’t a super far run. When you stand in front of these shrines you will see your ability glows like so:

This ability offers a variety of buffs that will be discussed below for each loa shrine. This ability has A 5 DAY COOLDOWN. So choose wisely which Loa you want to use this on. If you get lost and can’t seem to find the shrines using this map then feel free to ask a Guard around the city. They will tell you and give you directions to each shrine. You may be shrugging off this ability but you won’t when you learn what each loa shrine can do.
These buffs can be used for a variety of things from leveling to increased damage in a raid. It almost makes the Zandalari unfair with how good their passives are.
Kragwa: The Frog Loa
Taking damage has a chance to grant you additional health and armor
How this could be used:
This buff is perfect for tanks. It provides a bit more survivability and sustainability and can save your butt at random moments. Taking this buff would be good for Zandalari Warriors, Paladins, Druids, Monks, and Death Knights in their tank specs. Overall Kragwa is a good tank Loa shrine.

Bwonsamdi: The Loa of Death
Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal Shadow damage and heal you for 100% of the damage done
How this could be used:
Not bad for leveling against giant amounts of mobs. If your raid healers aren’t super great then this could be the little bit that saves you from dying. Honestly not a super great shrine but it is an option that could be used for leveling. I would say this is a pass, but it is entirely up to you and may save you in a raid. The chances of this happening though are just too low. Best for anyone leveling.

Kimbul: The Tiger Loa
Your damaging abilities have a chance to cause the target to bleed over 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times
How this could be used:
The bleed can either hit like a truck or tickle your target’s left armpit. The damage is too inconsistent and there is a better choice for melee or physical damage dealers. This does do well with classes that thrive off of Damage over time effects like Mages, Balance Druids, and Shadow Priests. This might be the shrine to go with at a high level for magic casters. Then again it is not a guaranteed proc, so that is entirely up to you.

Akunda: the Rhino Loa
Your healing abilities have a chance to heal their target for a little bit.
How this could be used:
This is a great one for healers! We’re talking Priest, Paladins, Druids, Shaman, and Monks. It may be a small amount, but this one has a chance to save someone in your raid. Now it is a chance proc again so that makes it a little more inconsistent. You can’t count on this to save your butt all the time, but it can maybe save it from time to time. This is definitely the shrine that you will choose the most as a healer.

Gonk: Loa of the Hunt
Increase movement speed by 5%
How this could be used:
It can’t… All jokes aside maybe to speed level up an alt. It doesn’t save that much time in the long run. It is almost a joke to choose this shrine. It’s not the worst in PvP to move a touch faster and be able to maybe outrun an opponent, but it isn’t that good. Maybe go with something else and actually make use of this passive. Who can use this is speed levelers.

Pa’Ku: Lord of the Winds
Your abilities have a chance to grant you 4% critical strike for 12 seconds
How this could be used:
This is the belle of the ball for all DPS. I especially see you physical attackers drooling there in the corner. This buff is amazing and if you can get it to proc often then boy you might be topping the charts. This buff is beyond amazing and makes Critical based classes hit like a truck out of the blue. I may be exaggerating, but this buff is super good. This is the buff you will see all physical damage dealers’ use in Castle Nathria and further raids to come. This is best for DPS Warriors, DPS Death knights, Enhancement Shaman, Windwalker Monk, Feral Druid, Retribution Paladin, Rogues, and Hunters.
I may have been a little biased on a few of these shrines, but feel free to try them all out and see you what you enjoy. Again if you need help finding these shrines then ask the Guards all around the city. This has been Lore Keeper Gosmidin and I will see you soon in another article. Thank you for reading and enjoy your Zandalari troll and their buffs.

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