A quick guide to the rare Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent mount in World of Warcraft (WoW)

The Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent is one of the mounts I have wanted for a long time. Fortunately, after a lot of farming help from my awesome brother, the mount finally dropped! In this guide, I want to walk through a few tips to help you if you are looking to add this mount to your collection.
How to get the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent mount
You can get the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent as a rare drop from the Sha of Anger world boss (Pandaria) or from the black market auction house. The number of kills it takes varies widely between players. Some players report getting the mount within 2,000 to 3,000 attempts, while others are well over that and don’t have the mount.
Fortunately, you can increase your chances of getting the mount by killing the world boss on multiple characters and by using bonus rolls.
Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent on the BMAH
You can also occasionally find a Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent for sale on the black market auction house (BMAH). The price of the sale will vary by server. There are some reports of getting the mount for as low as 1 million gold, but don’t be surprised if it sells for closer to the 10 million gold cap.
The Shadowlands black market auction house is located in Revendreth at 52, 84. You get access to it by completing a short quest chain for Ta’xera — the NPC who runs the BMAH.
If you are broke, like me, you probably want to try your luck with the Sha of Anger.
Where is the Sha of Anger – location
The Sha of Anger is located at 54, 63 in Kun-Lai Summit on the Pandaria continent. You can get to Pandaria by taking the portal to the Jade Forest from the Orgrimmar or Stormwind portal room. From there, you can take the flight path to One Keg, Kun-Lai Summit which is extremely close to the Sha of Anger spawn point.

How often does Sha of Anger spawn?
The Sha of Anger spawns every 10 to 20 minutes. You can use addons like WorldBossTimers to get an exact timer on his next spawn time. To avoid missing the respawn, you can also get the NPCScan addon which will notify you when rare mobs — including Sha of Anger — are spawning nearby.
You will also know that he is about to spawn when you see pillars of black and white smoke shooting up from the ground.

How often can you kill Sha of Anger for loot?
You can kill the Sha of Anger once per week on each character for loot. To receive loot, your character will need to be level 35 or higher. If you use a bonus roll, you will have 2 shots at the Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent per character every week.
Getting your bonus rolls for the Sha of Anger
In addition to killing the Sha once per week on a character you can use Elder Charm of Good Fortune to bonus roll for twice the chance at the mount. You can purchase charms from Commander Lo Ping at 38, 65 in Townlong Steppes (Niuzao Temple). This will cost you 20 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune (which drop from mobs in Pandaria and the Timeless Isles).

Alternatively, you can obtain elder charms from killing rare mobs on Panderia and the Isle of Thunder. There are also chests called Trove of the Thunder King on the Isle of Thunder which have a chance to drop a few charms.
Each character can hold a maximum of 20 Elder Charm of Good Fortune. This means that you can take the time to farm them up and be set for 5 months of Sha of Anger kills!
Soloing the Sha of Anger

Most of the time, you will find that there are dozens of people camping at the Sha spawn point. This means that you need to be ready to tag the boss as soon as he spawns because he tends to melt in less than 5 seconds.
If you do manage to find yourself in a position to solo him, it is possible. For characters over level 48, it will be easy. If you are under level 48 and have Chromie Time engaged, you will struggle to defeat him on your own.
Final Thoughts
The Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent is an extremely rare mount in WoW. You can increase your chance of getting the mount by killing the Sha of Anger on multiple characters every week and by using bonus rolls to double your chances. Even with doing all of that, it may take you thousands of kills which is brutal.
Don’t lose hope and keep farming those mounts!
What Level do you think is appropiate for an alt? I mean I want to farm the charms on the timeless island too. I currently Level 13 alts for the Sha mount. And I dont wanna waste to much time for the leveling part.
If you are on a busy server you can probably get away with level 35 alts. You won’t want to go below level 35 or you won’t have a chance to receive loot. If you are looking at soloing him, he will scale all the way up to around level 48 so you would need to probably be 50+ to completely outscale him. Hopefully that helps!
Sha of anger had been out since September 2012. For someone to have killed the boss 10k times they would need to have roughly 21 separate toons killing the boss every week. That’s petty sickening. Also, pretty unbelievable.
There is an addon called rarity which lists assumed drop changes and attempt to obtain, the default for rare mounts is 2000, but its widely known that this mount on average takes over 10,0000 attempts. I myself am over 14,000 and to this on 49 characters per week so 98 attempts weekly. It consumes my entire day Tuesday due to the weekly reset not happening till 8am PST. More likely than not the mount will go for max gold on BMAH 9,999,999. I saw it up a few weeks ago but forgot to check the final sales price I just figured I couldnt afford it anyway after hearing how much it usually goes for
That is a lot of attempts! Sending luck your way and hoping you get it soon.
Updated the article to clarify confusion with drop rate and BMAH prices.