The Horde are loyal and ferocious people currently lead by a War council of the faction leaders. Orgrimmar is the major capital of the Horde. With its spikes and rough wooden buildings and exterior, it stands as a symbol of fear and pride of the Horde. The Horde used to be only the orcs, but as more races felt neglected by the Alliance they joined the Horde. The Horde stands for honor, loyalty, and tenacity. In this article, we will briefly discuss The Horde races, their home cities, and their rulers.
1. Orcs
The Orcs are a brutish and yet gentle race. They have too many leaders to name, but the leader of the Orcs in Azeroth is Thrall. They are aliens to Azeroth as they formerly inhabited the planet of Draenor. They don’t know many other languages besides Orcish and common, but few can speak Draenei. As previously mentioned Orcs have too many leaders to name and that is due to there being so many Orcish clans. Each clan has its leader and beliefs. Frostwolf, Dragonmaw, Burning Blade, Blackrock, Warsong, and Laughing Skull are a few of the major clans (but there are many more). Some clans promote nature and gentleness, while others use war and bloodshed. The orcs have a wide array of beliefs and war tactics. Some major lore characters are Orgrim Doomhammer, Garrosh Hellscream, Durotan, and Gul’dan.
Playable Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, and Death Knight.

2. Undead
The Undead’s name is very fitting; they are a race of people that have been raised from death. In-game you can only play as an undead human, but in lore, there are elves, humans, gnomes, and many more. As of writing this article the Undead have no capital city and are changing management. Formerly led by Sylvanas Windrunner and their capital was once the Undercity. Now lead by Lilian Voss and Calia Menethil, the undead are trying to reclaim the glory that Sylvanas tarnished. They speak Common, Gutterspeak, Orcish, Nerubian, Vrykul, and Zombie. These undead are very similar to what you think a zombie is. It can think and speak and has restraint, but also has the urge to eat people and kill. Some control their urges more than others and refuse to stoop that low. Exiled from the alliance for being unholy, they found refuge in the Horde. Some major lore characters are Nathanos Blightcaller, Master Apothecary Faranell, Alexi Barov, and Lord Godfrey.
Playable Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Monk, and Death Knight.

3. Tauren
The Tauren although big, are kind and gentle souls. They are one with nature and are peace lovers. They are led by Baine Bloodhoof. Their capital city is Thunder Bluff. They share a lot of similar ideals to the orcs. They are peace-loving until their home or nature is threatened. The Tauren are masters of Herbalism and negotiations. When the Alliance and Horde meet for discussion of peace, Baine is almost always present. They are very shamanistic people and believe that Azeroth must be protected at all costs. It is hard to provoke a Tauren, but if you do then they will show you no mercy. They speak Taur-ahe, Orcish, and Common. Some Major lore characters are Magatha Grimtotem, Hamuul Runetotem, Cairne Bloodhoof, and Muln Earthfury.
Playable Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Priest, Shaman, Monk, Druid, and Death Knight

4. Trolls
The Trolls of the Horde are the tribe called the Darkspear. These tall creatures are masters of the hunt. Their leader is Rokhan. They call the Darkspear Isle their home. There are many other types of trolls, and they all have special abilities with their tribe. There are the Zandalari (playable), Darkspear (Playable), Gurubashi, Amani, Drakkari, and Farraki. For example, the Drakkari are ice trolls who have extreme resistance to cold and snow. Farraki are sand trolls who thrive in deserts. They speak common and Zandali. Some speak other languages, but it’s uncommon for trolls to speak anything other than the languages listed. The trolls allied themselves with the Horde because they received aid from the orcs when they were attacked by the Murlocs. The Orcs helped to drive back the Murlocks and gained the trust of both the Darkspear and the Tauren. Some major lore characters are Zul’jin, Vol’jin, Sen’jin, and Master Gadrin.
Playable Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk, Druid, and Death Knight.

5. Blood Elves
The Blood Elves are High Elves that changed their names after the Scourge invaded Quel’Thalas. They changed their name to symbolize the blood that was spilled that day. They are magical and regal people who are masters of arcane. Thanks to The Sunwell, A fountain created with a drop from the Well of Eternity, they hold limitless power and can live for quite a long time. They are an older civilization that has over seven thousand years of history. Although they have the power of the Sunwell, if they go too long without magic essence they become ravenous and crave more magical power. The Blood Elves sought help to reunite with their leader, Kael’thas Sunstrider, when he had disappeared. The Alliance refused to offer aid, especially since it was during a war. The Blood Elves feeling betrayed found the help they needed in The Horde. When they found out Kael’thas’ true intentions, they journeyed with The Horde to take down Kael’thas. They are now lead by Lor’themar Theron and live in Silvermoon City. They speak common and Thalassian. Many speak some other languages, but most stick to Thalassian. Some Major lore Characters are Halduron Brightwing, Grand Magister Rommath, Lady Liadrin, and Archmage Aethas Sunreaver.
Playable Classes: Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Monk, and Death Knight.

6. Goblins
The Goblins may be small, but they can easily blow you up or scam you out of all your money. They have no set capital as well as no set leader. They are led by people called Trade Princes. Some famous Trade Princes include Jastor Gallywix, Gazlow, and Mogul Razdunk. Hailing from Kezan, a small isle near the maelstrom, these little inventors are masters of explosions and flight. They had to flee Kezan when Deathwing destroyed the world during the Cataclysm; they now seek refuge in Orgrimmar and many other locations. Although their tech looks basic and brutish, it is some of the best tech you will ever see. Anything mechanical from the Horde was probably built by them. They have an ongoing feud with the Gnomes of the Alliance to prove who the best inventors are. They even have their own explosive style of engineering. If you want someone who is good with mechanical things and has an explosive personality then the Goblins of the Horde are for you. They speak Goblin, Common, Orcish, Zandali, and Gnomish. Some major lore characters are Rixxa Fluxflame, Marin Noggenfogger, Baron Revilgaz, and Boss Mida.
Playable Classes: Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, and Death Knight.

7. Pandaren
The Pandaren are a jovial peace-loving race that allies with both the Horde and the Alliance. They may call Orgrimmar or Stormwind their home, but no Panda can deny that Pandaria is their true home. Pandaria was a mystical land shrouded in mist and unknown to both the Alliance and Horde until very recently. The leader for the Horde Pandaren, The Huojin, is Ji Firepaw. The Leader for the Alliance Pandaren, The Tushui, is Aysa Cloudsinger. They speak Mogu, Pandaren, and Common. With their love for alcohol and food, the Pandaren are the life of any party.
They fight to protect their home and family, to preserve harmony and balance. They question what is worth fighting for. The Pandaren excel at brewing alcohol and making amazing food. They may appear soft and cuddly, but do not mistake them for weak. Even the Least trained Pandaren can take down a swarm of soldiers. Ever since breaking away from the control of the Mogu, they vowed to never be slaves again. Major Lore Characters are Chen Stormstout, Emperor Shaohao, Lorewalker Cho, and Taran Zhu.
Playable Classes: Hunters, Monks, Mage, Shaman, Rogue, Priest, warriors, and (Death Knights available with the purchase of Shadowlands).

The Horde is the faction of outcasts and has been betrayed by The Alliance in one form or another. The Alliance won’t let The Horde forget its past and let it try for a better future. Join the fight against The Alliance and prove that The Horde has changed and is truly honorable. Or you could show The Alliance dogs that The Horde is not something to be messed with. Join this rowdy bunch and protect what land you have left. The Horde has allies in all places. Allied races are variants of existing races and are playable in-game. They will be discussed in another article but for now, here is a list of The Horde’s Allied Races:
- Nightborne
- Highmountain Tauren
- Mag’har Orc
- Zandalari Trolls
- Vulpera
Thanks for reading!
For The Alliance!
Lol, for sure! My main is actually Alliance. Thanks for reading!
I was just joking. I just discovered this site and am enjoying it a lot.
No worries, I love it. Happy to hear that you are enjoying it!