A quick guide to the Return to Karazhan dungeon from World of Warcraft: Legion One of the coolest designs for a dungeon in recent World of Warcraft history has to be Return to Karazhan. This dungeon is such a creative spin-off of the Burning Crusade raid and is an absolute blast to run. Whether you are refreshing your memory, or visiting the home of Medivh for the first … [Read more...] about Return to Karazhan Dungeon Guide – Entrance, Bosses & FAQs
Best Shadowlands Addons – Adventures, Torghast, and More!
A list of my favorite addons for World of Warcraft (WoW) Shadowlands-specific content! Shadowlands has a lot of unique content and features! From adventure missions to soulbinds and covenants, there is a lot to keep track of. In this article, I want to share some addons which will help you with Shadowland's specific features. We'll jump into the details in a moment, but … [Read more...] about Best Shadowlands Addons – Adventures, Torghast, and More!
Spatial Opener in WoW — Use and Location
A quick guide to using the spatial opener item in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Have you ever looted an item in World of Warcraft and had no clue what it was for? The other day in Zereth Mortis, that happened to me when a spatial opener dropped. The tooltip was also extremely unhelpful since all it said was, "A strangely perfect shimmering geometric form. This looks … [Read more...] about Spatial Opener in WoW — Use and Location
How to get Double Legendaries in Shadowlands
A complete guide to obtaining your second legendary (leggo) and answers to frequently asked questions One of the most anticipated features before the release of patch 9.2 was the ability to equip two pieces of legendary gear simultaneously. Unfortunately, unlocking double legendaries turned out to be more confusing than expected. Luckily, I’ll go over everything you need … [Read more...] about How to get Double Legendaries in Shadowlands
How To Get To Zereth Mortis in World of Warcraft (WoW)
A complete guide on traveling to Zereth Mortis for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands players Now that World of Warcraft is over 15 years old and 8 expansions deep, it is getting tricky to keep the geography straight. On top of that, many zones have unlock requirements which make things even more complicated. In this guide, I'll dive into everything you need to know to get to … [Read more...] about How To Get To Zereth Mortis in World of Warcraft (WoW)