A one-stop guide complete with one-sentence boss guides, level requirements, and maps for each dungeon entrance.

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade has some insanely fun dungeons. With the launch of Burning Crusade Classic, I couldn’t help thinking back to my days running around Outland on my rogue on my way to Kara attunement. In this guide, I want to provide you with the info you need to experience BC dungeons for the first time or help you get a taste of nostalgia.
While I wrote this for Burning Crusade Classic players, the information on finding the dungeon entrances will still be valuable to retail players looking to revisit Outland.
How many Dungeons are there in Burning Crusade?
There are 16 dungeons in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic. Terokkar Forest has the most dungeons (4), followed by Hellfire Peninsula (3), Zangarmarsh (3), Netherstorm (3), Caverns of Time (2), and Isle of Quel’Danas (1).
What level do I need to be to do each Burning Crusade Dungeon?
If you want to level your way through dungeons, I created this handy table to show all 16 Burning Crusade dungeons by recommended level and zone. You can enter many of these dungeons before the listed level, but these are rough guidelines for when each one is best.
I have also included a note next to dungeons with a requirement to enter. Dungeons with an “A” require an attunement quest chain, while those with a “K/R” can be accessed with a key or rogues lock picking skill. As a side note, the Netherstorm dungeons also require a flying mount or flight form to enter.
To keep the table smaller, especially for mobile readers, I also abbreviated the names of the zones, including Hellfire Peninsula (HFP), Zangarmarsh (ZANG), Terokkar Forest (TF), Caverns of Time (CoT), Netherstorm (NS), and Isle of Quel’Danas (IQD).
Dungeon | Level | Zone |
Hellfire Ramparts | 60-62 | HFP |
Blood Furnace | 61-63 | HFP |
Slave Pens | 62-64 | ZANG |
Underbog | 63-65 | ZANG |
Mana-Tombs | 64-66 | TF |
Auchenai Crypts | 65-67 | TF |
Escape from Durnholde | 66-68 | CoT |
Sethekk Halls | 67-69 | TF |
Black Morass (A) | 68-70 | CoT |
Shattered Halls (K/R) | 69-70 | HFP |
Shadow Labyrinth (K/R) | 69-70 | TF |
Mechanar | 70 | NS |
Botanica | 70 | NS |
Arcatraz (K/R) | 70 | NS |
Steamvault | 70 | ZANG |
Magister’s Terrace | 70 | IQD |
If you want to access the heroic version of these dungeons, you will need to also buy a key after reaching revered with the appropriate faction.
In the rest of this guide, I have put together some quick maps for dungeon entrances, nearest flight paths, and one-sentence guides to every boss in every dungeon!
Let’s start off by taking a look at the 3 dungeons in Hellfire Peninsula.
Hellfire Peninsula Dungeons
There are a total of three dungeons in Hellfire Peninsula. Since this is the first zone players will arrive in when passing through the Dark Portal, it is also likely to be many players’ first experience with BC dungeons.
All 3 of the dungeons are located in the Hellfire Citadel in the center of the zone. For the Horde, the closest flight path will be Thrallmar. Alliance players will find their closest flight path at Honor Hold.
To help you out, I have included maps with the dungeon levels and flight paths for each of the instances in Burning Crusade below:

Once you arrive at Hellfire Citadel, it can be a little confusing to find the dungeon you are looking for — particularly before unlocking flying. To help you out, I created this quick labeled image of Hellfire Citadel taken from the east side:

Hellfire Ramparts (60-62)
The entrance to Hellfire Ramparts can be found on the middle level of the Hellfire Citadel in Outland. It is located near coordinates 47.5, 52.9.
The dungeon is full of humanoids and wolves, so be sure to use crowd control abilities to manage the trash packs. It has 3 bosses. You will receive reputation with Honor Hold (A) or Thrallmar (H) for defeating and completing Ramparts.
Here is a guide to each boss in one sentence:
- Watchkeeper Gargolmar — spread as much as possible and interrupt Hellfire Watchers heals.
- Omor the Unscarred —Kill hounds when they come out; otherwise, burn boss.
- Vazruden the Herald —Move out of the fire and don’t stand in front of the dragon.
The Blood Furnace (61-63)

The entrance to The Blood Furnace can be found atop Hellfire Citadel near coordinates 46.3, 51.2. Defeating enemies in the instance rewards reputation with Honor Hold (A) or Thrallmar (H).
- The Maker — spread and watch out for unavoidable 10-second mind control.
- Broggok — don’t stand in front unless tanking, avoid green puddles, and dispel poison if you can.
- Keli’dan the Breaker — Run away when he yells “Come closer” to avoid Burning Nova damage (he is immune during the cast).
The Shattered Halls (69-70)
The entrance to The Shattered Halls is located at 47.9, 51.5 in Hellfire Citadel.
To enter, one player needs to have a key obtained by doing a small quest chain that begins with killing Smith Gorlunk, an NPC found at (67, 36) outside the Black Temple. You need to be level 68 to start this quest chain. Once you defeat him, you get a key mold that requires some materials and defeating the Fel Reaver in Hellfire Peninsula.
Alternatively, a rogue with lockpicking skill of 350+ can open the gate in front of the instance.
- Grand Warlock Nethekurse — Move from circles/lines on the ground, watch for fear, and burn at 25%.
- Blood Guard Porung (Heroic) — Spread.
- Warbringer O’mogg —Spread and outrange Thunderclap, fear, and Blast Wave when possible.
- Warchief Kargath Bladefist — Spread and kill guards when they come out.
Zangarmarsh Dungeons
Like the dungeons in Hellfire Peninsula, you can find all of the Zangarmarsh dungeons close to each other. They are located at the bottom of the Coilfang Reservoir. To get to the entrances, you will need to swim into a pipe located at 50.1, 40.5. Follow the tube until you pop out into a cavern with the dungeon entrances (and Serpentshrine Cavern raid entrance as well).

The Slave Pens (62-64)
The Slave Pens is located in a cavern at the bottom of the Coilfang Reservoir. After swimming down the pipe at 50.1, 40.5, you will find The Slave Pens entrance on the far-left side of the cavern.
Defeating enemies in The Slave Pens awards Cenarion Expedition reputation.
- Mennu the Betrayer — Kill totems and outrange splash damage when killing Nova totem.
- Rokmar the Crackler — Spread, outrange water bolts and muscle through debuffs from the boss.
- Quagmirran — Spread, don’t stand in front, outrange boss when possible.
The Underbog (63-65)

The Underbogis located in a cavern at the bottom of the Coilfang Reservoir. After swimming down the pipe at 50.1, 40.5, you will find The Underbog entrance on the far-right side of the cavern.
Defeating enemies in The Underbog awards Cenarion Expedition and Sporeggar reputation.
- Hungarfen — Avoid mushroom explosions, spore clouds, outrange Foul Spores, and burn at 20%.
- Ghaz’an — Avoid frontal cone and don’t stand by his tail.
- Swamplord Musel’ek — Watch for knockback, outrange Echoing Roar when possible.
- The Black Stalker — Spread and kill adds on heroic.
The Steamvault (70)
The Steamvaults is located in a cavern at the bottom of the Coilfang Reservoir. After swimming down the pipe at 50.1, 40.5, you will find The Steamvaults entrance is the 2nd instance from the left.
Defeating enemies in The Steamvaults awards Cenarion Expedition reputation.
Important note: Make sure to interact with the panels behind the 1st and 2nd boss, or you won’t be able to get into the room with the last boss.
- Hydromancer Thespia — Move out of the lightning cloud, interrupt Water Bolt Volley from elementals. (Use access panel behind boss after defeating)
- Mekgineer Steamrigger — Avoid frontal cone and kill adds fast. (Use access panel behind boss after defeating)
- Warlord Kalithresh — Kill Distiller adds fast and don’t attack with spells when he uses Spell Reflection.
Terokkar Forest Dungeons
By now, you are probably starting to see a pattern with dungeon entrances in Burning Crusade. Instead of traveling far and wide, most dungeons are accessible in a cluster with other instances. This is particularly true in Terokkar Forest, where you have 4 dungeons all within a short distance of each other.

Mana-Tombs (64-66)
You can find the entrance to the Mana-Tombs dungeon in the ruins of Auchindoun, just south of Shattrath City. It is located on the north side of the ring at 39.5, 61.9.
Defeating enemies in the Mana-Tombs will award you reputation with the Consortium.
- Pandemonius — don’t cast spells on the boss when Dark Shell (spell reflect) is active.
- Tavarok — Outrange Earthquake if possible and avoid the Arcing Smash frontal attack.
- Yor (Heroic) —Avoid frontal cone and outrange Stomp (nearby damage and knockback).
- Nexus-Prince Shaffar — Interrupt adds and heal through damage from beacons.
Auchenai Crypts (65-67)

You can find the entrance to the Auchenai Crypts dungeon in the ruins of Auchindoun, just south of Shattrath City. It is located on the west side of the ring at 37.4, 65.4.
Defeating enemies in Auchenai Crypts gives you reputation with Lower City.
- Shirrak the Dead Watcher — Stand far away if casting, run from Attract Magic, and spread.
- Exarch Maladarr — Focus down adds and survive Stolen Soul debuff.
Sethekk Halls (67-69)
The third instance you can find in the ruins of Auchindoun is Sethekk Halls. This is located on the east side of the outer ring of the ruins at 41.4, 65.6.
Defeating enemies in Sethekk Halls gives you reputation with Lower City.
- Darkweaver Syth — Kill elemental adds and outrange chain lightning.
- Anzu (Heroic requires druid) — Kill adds during banish phases, don’t cast when debuffed with Spell Bomb (mana drain).
- Talon King Ikiss —Endure polymorphs, hide behind pillars when the boss is casting blink.
Shadow Labyrinth (69-70)

The last dungeon you will find in Terokkar Forest is Shadow Labyrinth. You can find the entrance to Shadow Labyrinth on the south side of Auchindoun at approximately 39.5, 68.2.
To enter the instance, you will need to obtain a key or have a rogue with 350+ lock picking in your party. Only one player needs to have the key, and it can be obtained as a drop from the last boss in Sethekk Halls.
Defeating enemies in the Shadow Labyrinth dungeon awards reputation with Lower City.
- Ambassador Hellmaw — Avoid frontal, outrange 45-yard fear when possible
- Blackheart the Inciter — Tank in the corner and make sure big cooldowns/spells are used before the boss casts MC on the whole party.
- Grandmaster Vorpil —Run from Rain of Fire, kill adds before they reach the boss.
- Murmur — Move from Sonic Boom, keep 1 player in range of the boss, stay away from the player with Murmur’s Touch debuff (spread).
Netherstorm Dungeons
The last Outland zone with dungeons is Netherstorm. There are 3 dungeons in total here, all of which require you to having a flying mount or druid flight form to reach. You can find them on the east side of the zone floating around Tempest Keep.

Like Hellfire Citadel, I find it a little confusing to remember which entrance is at a glance. Here is a quick visual of the 3 dungeons and which one is which.

The Mechanar (70)
The entrance to The Mechanar can be found on the island to the south of Tempest Keep. It is recognizable by its purple crystals growing out of the top and bottom. If you fly by coordinates, you can find it near 70.3, 68.6.
Defeating enemies in The Mechanar provides reputation with the Sha’tar.
- Mechano-Lord Capacitus — Avoid bombs, stop melee attacks when glowing red, stop spell casts when glowing green. On Heroic, stack with party members with the same polarity (avoid opposite).
- Nethermancer Sepethrea — Avoid frontal breath, spread, and kite Raging Flame adds.
- Pathaleon the Calculator — Kill/interrupt/fear adds, use CC on MC party member, and outrange silence.
The Botanica (70)

The entrance to The Botanica can be found on the island to the north of Tempest Keep. It is recognizable by its blue crystals growing out of the top and bottom. Coordinate-wise, you can find The Botanica near 71.4, 54.8.
Defeating enemies in The Botanica provides reputation with the Sha’tar.
- Commander Sarannis — Dispel debuff, kill/interrupt add (especially Mender mob).
- High Botanist Freywinn — Kill seeds before they bloom (one DPS) and kill lasher adds when the boss is in tree form (may help to line of sight [LoS] lashers).
- Thorngrin the Tender —Outrange Hellfire ability, beware of enrage, and LoS when possible to avoid being teleported and stunned by the boss.
- Laj — Spread, dispel disease if possible, kill thorn adds.
- Warp Splinter — Kill adds before they reach the boss, outrange 30 yd Warstomp if possible, and use defensives for Arcane Volley (especially on Heroic).
The Arcatraz (70)
The entrance to The Arcatraz can be found on the highest island to the north of Tempest Keep. It is recognizable by its orange crystals growing out of the top and bottom. It can be found near coordinates 74.3, 57.2.
Entering The Arcatraz requires a party member to have a key or a rogue with 350+ lock picking. You can obtain the key by reaching level 67 and then completing the chain that begins by talking to Nether-Stalker Khay’ji in Area 52 (32, 64). The entire chain requires quite a few quests and obtaining drops from the last bosses of The Botanica and The Mechanar.
To see exactly what you need to do, I would recommend you download the Attune addon.
Defeating enemies in The Arcatraz provides reputation with the Sha’tar.
- Zereketh the Unbound — Move out of black circles, move away from the player with Seed of Corruption, outrange Shadow Nova (34 yds) if possible.
- Dalliah the Doomsayer — Run from whirlwind, do not heal player with Gift of the Doomsayer debuff!
- Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates — Don’t stand in fire, spread, and heal through damage ticks on melee.
- Harbinger Skyriss — Mark boss and kill clones, survive MC, and make sure Millhouse gets heals when necessary.
Caverns of Time Dungeons
In addition to dungeons in Outland, Burning Crusade added 2 dungeons in the Cavern of Time located in Tanaris. If you haven’t been there, you can find Tanaris in the south-easternmost area of Kalimdor. Once you reach Tanaris, you can find the Caverns of Time on the east side of the zone. After going down a long tunnel, you will reach an open cavern with the entrances for Old Hillsbrad Foothills and The Black Morass.

Escape from Durnholde/Old Hillsbrad Foothills (66-68)
You can find the entrance to The Escape from Durnholde (Old Hillsbrad Foothills) dungeon in the Caverns of Time. For players using a coordinate addon, you can find the entrance to the caverns around 64.2, 49.9.
If you have never run this dungeon before, it can be confusing at first. Upon zoning in, the dungeon looks a lot like Hillsbrad Foothills, and it is unclear what you should do next.
As a quick walkthrough, you can begin the Escape from Durnholde by following these steps:
- Pick up bombs and speak to the dragon at the mouth of the cave.
- Plant bombs in the 5 lodges located to the south of Durnholde Keep.
- Defeat the first boss who patrols around the lodges.
- Make your way to Durnhold Keep and into the basement.
- Talk to Thrall to begin the escape.
- Escort Thrall.
Defeating enemies in The Escape from Durnholde instance will award rep with the Keepers of Time.
- Lieutenant Drake — Run from whirlwind and outrange fear when possible.
- Captain Skarloc — Kill adds, interrupt Holy Light, and move boss from Consecration (heroic).
- The Epoch Hunter — Avoid frontal cone and outrange Wing Buffet (15 yds).
The Black Morass/Opening of the Dark Portal (68-70)

You can find the entrance to The Black Morass in the Caverns of Time. You can enter the caverns at 64.2, 49.9 in Tanaris.
To enter The Black Morass, you need to complete an attunement quest chain. This requires that you reach level 66 and then do a series of quests in the Caverns of Time, which also requires defeating The Epoch Hunter in Escape from Durnholde.
Becoming attuned for The Black Morass is also an essential requirement in the process of becoming attuned to enter Karazhan — the first raid in Burning Crusade.
This dungeon works a little differently than others as well. Once you talk to Medivh, portals of enemies will spawn. Every 6 portals of enemies you beat will spawn another boss (for a total of 18 waves). You can spot the portals by looking for glowing yellow swirls through the trees.
Defeating enemies in The Black Morass instance will award rep with the Keepers of Time.
- Chrono Lord Deja — Tank and spank, use defensives for Arcane Blast.
- Temporus —Dispel/Spellsteal boss’ Hasten buff, use shields/dodge/block to keep Mortal Wound from stacking too high on the tank, and outrange Wing Buffet when possible.
- Aeonus —Avoid frontal cone, keep the tank topped off, and be ready for the boss to freeze you in time.
Isle of Quel’Danas
The 16th and final dungeon in the Burning Crusade is Magister’s Terrace. It is located on the Isle of Quel’Danas, which can be reached by using a portal from Shattrath City or by flight path once unlocked. The Isle of Quel’Danas is an island located off the northern tip of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Magister’s Terrace (70)
You can find the entrance to Magister’s Terrace in the north-eastern corner of the Isle of Quel’Danas. For coordinate users, the entrance will be located close to 29.7, 23.0.
Defeating enemies in Magister’s Terrace awards reputation with the Shattered Sun Offensive.
- Selin Fireheart — Clear the room before the pull, heal through the boss’ Drain Life and Fel Explosion ability.
- Vexallus —Kill adds immediately but rotate the killing blow on the add to avoid high debuff stacks.
- Priestess Delrissa — Kill adds, use CC, and interrupt Flash Heal.
- Kael’thas Sunstrider —Interrupt Fireball, kill Phoenix Eggs and avoid Arcane Spheres when you are flying.
Dungeon Leveling in Burning Crusade Classic
If you are trying to optimize the speed at which you go from level 60 to 70 in Burning Crusade Classic, some excellent dungeon leveling guides are out there. Now that you know where to find the dungeons and have a feel for what you need to do for each boss, you are prepared (take that Illidan).
As I said, there are several guides out there. One of the more popular dungeon leveling guides making its rounds is this one from Biosparks TV:
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